Chapter 4: The Music of the Night

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          The Angel smiled as Castiel finished his song and took the human’s hand. He led him toward the large, magnificent organ that was in the center of the alcove, still smiling as if he were the happiest man on earth. “I have brought you to this world of unending night for one purpose and one alone,” the angel explained to him. When he reached the organ, he halted. Castiel watched with a glazed expression as his Angel removed his cape. He draped it over the organ chair and then turned his attention back to Castiel. He looked so . . . dashing in his black suit, and his white mask only seemed to add to his overall enigmatic and appealing image. The Angel took Castiel’s hand again in both of his and ran his thumb over the back. “From the moment I first heard you sing, I’ve needed you with me to serve me – to sing. I need you, Castiel . . . for my music.”

          Castiel just continued to stare, dazed and entranced. He was still caught in disbelief that this was happening. It had to be a dream . . . but it felt real. Castiel took  in a shaky breath. Whether it was a dream or not, he didn’t want it to end.

          The Angel gently pulled Castiel toward him as he began to sing again. His voice made Castiel shiver; his skin crawled but not from fear. It was from something else – something stronger and . . . something much more pleasant.

Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation.

Darkness stirs and wakes imagination.

Silently the senses abandon their defenses.

Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendor.

Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender.

          Suddenly, the Angel’s hand caressed the side of Castiel’s face once more. He turned Castiel’s face away from the light of a group of candles. Castiel was practically putty in the Angel’s hands; he was at his mercy. The Angel began to sing sweetly again:

Turn your face away from the garish light of day.

Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light . . .

And listen to the Music of the Night.

          When the Angel finished his verse, Castiel dared to look away. He looked around at the alcove that must have been the Angel’s home. Castiel could feel the Angel’s soft, evergreen eyes on him. It might have made someone nervous, but not Castiel. He was used to feeling them – he had become rather good at sensing when his Angel was watching. After all, Castiel had never seen him for years, but knew he was there, watching. If anything, his Angel’s eyes made him feel secure – protected.

          Castiel saw a few mannequins – just heads – with different masks on them. Most of them were white, but there were a few black ones – no unusual or flamboyant colors. Some of them were just to cover one side of the face, but some did cover both sides, or just the eyes. Castiel also saw some blond wigs on the mannequin heads as well. He wondered why the Angel had them, but the thought didn’t really register. Instead, it just flitted in and out. Castiel let his eyes wander more until they rested on a tiny stage. He took a single step toward it in curiosity. It was an exact model of the stage up in the opera house. Castiel cocked his head to one side and then noticed the figurine standing on stage.

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