Will she still love me?

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Alex was walking back to her apartment from college and it started to rain really bad "shit it's fucking raining and I forgot an umbrella" alex mumbled to her self while runining back home. Alex saw a homeless girl curled up in the corner hugging a old ragged up teddy bear Alex immediately ran to her and forgot it was even raining "hey are you okay?" The little girl shook her head and scotched back looking terrified "hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you" alex said as she rubbed circles on the little girls hand trying to calm her "I-I'm cold" the little girl said "Can I bring you over to my apartment and I'll get you something to eat okay?" The little girl nodded as Alex held her hand and walked back to her apartment "I'm Zoe" Zoe said as they were walking back "you can call me Alex" Zoe nodded as the entered the dorm, Piper ran to Alex and kissed her softly not noticing Zoe "I missed you Alex " " piper, I want you to meet my new little friend, her name is Zoe" Zoe held on to Alex's shirt and was hiding behind her "c'mon Zoe she's not going to hurt u she's my girlfriend Piper" alex said in a soft smoothing tone "H-hi" Zoe said quietly, Piper can barley hear her, "Zoe why don't u go sleep for a bit and I'll make you something to eat after you wake up" Alex walked Zoe to the bunk bed and tucked her in and walked back into the kitchen "piper, I know you might not accept this right now, but please she has nobody" alex said while trying to hold her hand as Piper pulled away "the whole point of dating girls is because they don't have babies and you bring a kid home" Piper said in a harsh angry tone "Piper please don't do this" " I'm moving back for a bit since it's the weekend I need some space" Piper said as she head out the door alex sighed as she went and made some food for Zoe "Will she come back? who should I choose? I can't lose her" Alex thought to herself while she was cooking.

Authors note: Im co-writing it with my best friend and we will update twice a week hope u enjoy this chapter and sry for the typos and grammar x💜-Janet

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