Coming Home

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-5 days after-
"Aleexxxxx cmon lets go to the park it's really nice out" Piper begged she was asking the question at least 10 times this week "I'm sorry babe I have work right now I'm busy" Alex said still staring at her laptop alex worked so much she barley had time for Piper and Zoe and school "Mwommy you always busy pwretty pwease can we play at the park" Zoe wanted to play with Alex as well since they didn't really spend much time together anymore since Alex new job she always was busy "Let's leave mommy alone we can go to the park alone go wear your shoes mommy will be right over" Piper told Zoe as Zoe left Piper closed the door "Alex get of the damn laptop" Piper was so mad because she broke her promise that work won't come before Piper and Zoe "Hold on I'm almost finished" Alex said still typing away Piper walked over and closed the laptop "What the fuck I almost finished that" Alex said in a annoyed tone Piper knew Alex was frustrated and annoyed by the tone of her voice "Oh your the one who's frustrated" "Uhhh yea I almost finished and you just shut it off" Alex didn't realize that she was practically yelling until Piper started to cry "Whatever I'll stay at my moms with Zoe you can do your work since it's more important than us" Piper left at this point Alex just remembered that she promised Zoe and Piper that they'll come before work and that she just broke the promise she knew she had to go apologize but she didn't because she knew Piper needed the space

At school they see each other but they don't talk if they didn't have to they avoided each other for almost a week now "Vause you are staring at her again if you miss her apologize already I can't stand you two not talking to each other" Alex jumped because she didn't even realize that Nicky walked up to her she was too busy looking at Piper and Larry flirting with each other "Well she has a new boyfriend now so doesn't matter I don't really care anyways" Nicky obviously knew Alex lied Nicky knew that Alex cared about Piper more than herself "Okay I'm just saying if you don't care about her then why would you being glaring at Larry every time he and Piper both laughed" Alex blushed "I am not glaring at him I just happen to look in that direction" "Okay what ever you say Vause see you tomorrow" Nicky said as she walked away Alex missed waking up to a gorgeous face each morning and the smell of her hair and her soft, soft lips touching hers Alex wanted Piper back after all she is the only girl she smiles into a kiss with and cry on Alex went to a bar and ordered shots of vodka she drank so much to get Piper out of her head and passed out -next day-
Alex woke up in pipers bed it took a few moments until she realize where she was she buried her face onto pipers pillow and took a deep breath she missed the smell of the blond "Your up" Piper said "Yea how'd I end up here I can't remember anything" Piper chuckled "Well maybe you can't remember anything because you passed out" Alex was confused "Well you went to the bar last night the bar tender said you had lots of drinks and passed out and called me to pick you up" Alex now remembered how she drank because she couldn't get Piper out of her head "I should get going I don't want to bother you" Alex said just as she was heading out the door Piper held onto her hand and dragged her in for a kiss "God I missed this" Alex said and kissed her again they pulled away "Yea me too" Alex finally had the courage to say sorry after all she had nothing to loose she wanted her fiancé back "Pipes I'm truly sorry for not spending time with you and Zoe I broke a promise will you please forgive me" Alex was truly sorry she would give up anything to have Piper back it was silent for a while Alex was so scared Piper was still mad at her "Yea I forgive you but next time you won't be forgiven this easily" Piper said as they kissed "Let's go home kid" Alex said as they carried Zoe home.

Authors note:Well I'll probably be continuing the story since daisy isn't writing sry for late updates and I'm thinking about ending the story in like after a few chapters so it'll skip till like a few years in the next couple of chapters 🍔heres a burger laaaa yall my lil bananas x💜

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