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"I can't wait to see Zoe, pipes" Alex said while they were eating lunch at the cafeteria "I know your so cute being a mom" Alex playfully slapped Piper on the arm and told her to shut up they continue eating "Hey piper I'm having a party at 6 do you wanna come?" Piper saw Alex glaring at her and Larry and smirked "Okay sure" piper replied trying to make Alex jealous because she's so cute when she's jealous "okay bye see you tonight!" Larry said and walked away "I CANT BELIEVE YOU!" Alex yelled and threw her lunch away "Alex wait" Alex didn't listen and walked away with tears rolling down her face 'I fucked up I need to make it up to her' piper mumbled to herself as she walked to school Piper wanted to see Alex but they were studying different Piper was studying the stuff to become a doctor and Alex was studying to become a psychiatrist so she had to wait till school ends class was boring when she was waiting to see Alex, and Larry kept on flirting with her after school ends Piper went to her moms place knowing that alex will pick up Zoe, Alex showed up a little bit after Piper was there "hey Alex I'm sorry" Alex ignored her and rang the doorbell Piper grabbed Alex's hand, but Alex pulled it way "back the fuck off" Alex yelled, and Cal opened the door "Zoe's in pipers room I'm sure u been there lots of times"Cal winked Alex just walked past him "someone's mad" "shut up cal" Piper ran upstairs she saw Alex was playing with Zoe while having tears running down her face "mwommy what wrong" "nothing's wrong mommy's fine" Alex said as she wiped away the tears Piper was so heartbroken to see Alex cry because of her "Alex please" Piper wanted Alex to forgive her, more than anything "please I don't wanna fight in front of Zoe" Alex's voice cracked "I don't like him I love you, and only you" "you do?" Alex's face lit up "yes I do you gotta say it back" Piper said and Alex ran and hugged her "I love you more" Alex said and buried her face in her chest they hugged, for what felt like forever until Piper said "let's go home shall we?" Alex laughed and carried Zoe to the car Alex cooked the dinner, then watched spongebob with Zoe "F is for fwends who do stuff together u is for you and mwe n is for nywere nytime at all down here in the deep blue sea" Zoe sang as Piper tucked her in bed "good night don't let the bed bugs bite" Piper said in a childish voice and kissed Zoe on the cheek, "gwd nwght" said Zoe, after Piper got on the bed with Alex "Good night to you too" Piper said as she kissed Alex "be my little spoon" Piper laughed "why'd you always feel so inevitable to me" Piper said as they all fell asleep "I heart you kid" Alex mumbled Piper smiled and pretended like she didn't hear it slowly fell asleep

Authors note:OMG SEASON3 TRAILER IS FINALLY OUT I HATE STELLA BUT SHES HOT BUT I HATE HER I ship vauseman more I wrote this chapter while daisy was reading straight smut to me it sucks she sounds so bad in southern accents lol 🍫 heres a chocolate bar laaa Yall my lil bananas💜 xx

Powerful LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora