chapter five

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"...Why the fuck are you at my practice?"

     The brunette stared at me with the most grotesque frown on his face. I guess my wish came sooner than you can count to ten. In response, I copied his grimace, with both of us now sporting the same, upside down smile. 

"Why are you at my practice?" Oikawa repeated. He shoved his hands in his pockets, shuffling from foot to foot. "I didn't invite you."

Iwa stood up for me, "Oikawa, don't you dare disrespect Shrek-chan like that! I invited them today."

I walked over to Iwa and slapped him a high five. "Warmups are starting right? We should head on over."

     I scoffed at Oikawa, rolling my eyes at him and skipping away. From a distance, I could see Yahaba and Kyotani silently laughing. Iwa followed suit behind me, now with a light dusting of scarlet over his cheeks. Oikawa acts like he owns the place, not when I'm here! What a bitch.

"Gather 'round everyone! We need to discuss our strategy for our scrimmage tomorrow," Coach Irihata said, holding a whiteboard and a marker. "I heard Karasuno isn't that good this year, so we have a chance!" 

     The small crowd of boys jeered. From what I heard from Iwa, Aoba Johsai wasn't that good? They only were good because of Oikawa, but he got in an accident and is injured. If Aoba Johsai can beat Karasuno with out Oikawa, then they have a chance to beat them during league-

"Actually, we have a problem," Oikawa objected. "They have a really good setter over there that Iwa and I went to school with. His name is Kageyama Tobio." 

    Kindaichi and Kuniumi rolled their eyes. This Kageyama seems to have beef with them. What's so bad about him?

"We used to call him the 'king of the court,' because he used to boss us around a lot," Kindachi explained, because he must of saw the confusion on my face. "He just has a mind of his own, and it sucked. But we won all the time, so I guess it cancels out."

Huh. I mean, he could have changed? People can change in an instant, even the ones who you've known for years. I dealt with this at Nekoma, but so far I haven't had any trouble here yet. Keyword, YET.

"Best case scenario, they would play their third-year setter, which I heard is not as good," Oikawa took the whiteboard and started drawing all these random X's and O's and lines, and some illegible words. "So if that happens, Iwa, you would be the middle hitter, and then you Kindachi, you can be on..."

     I spaced out. I've got to admit, Oikawa was gorgeous when he isn't being a brat. Him using all these volleyball terms that I don't even understand makes him look like the hottest person on the planet. And blue is definitely is color...

"hey Shrek-chan! Are you even listening?"

Forget what I just said.

"Hello? Earth to Shrek-chan?" Oikawa waved his arms around me to see if I was listening.

"What do you want," I responded in a monotone tone. I was so consumed in my own thoughts, I forgot I was standing within a circle of sweaty boys. Apparently I spent the whole hour of the practice staring at Oikawa. 

"You are going to be there tomorrow right?" Oikawa smirked and crossed his arms. Damn.

"No clue. Who knows, I might get stuck in a locker again..." I shrugged and started to walk away, but a strong arm pulled me back. 

"Please come Shrek-chan, it'll mean the world to me," the strong arm said, my eyes trailing up to its owner. Iwa looked at me with the most puppiest eyes that I've ever scene. "Please, just for me?"

Ew. That was the cringiest thing I've ever heard, but for now, Iwa was my only friend at Aoba Johsai so far. "Fine. I'll come."

Iwa jumped in victory. "Yes, thank you Shrek-chan! Come straight to the gym right after class."

     Great. How did I get sucked into this again? Iwa. It was all because of Iwa. I sighed. I waved bye to all the boys and started to head home. But I ended up at home an hour later. Why? Because I stopped at Karasuno before I went home. Their gym was closed off and dark, and I missed the last minutes of their practice. Dang it.

"Hey you! What are you doing?" a stranger's voiced filled the winter air.

I turned around and saw it was the crazy millennial with dyed blond hair! I immediatly ran home, and I was out of breath when I got home. 

Who knew from that day on my life was going to be a nightmare.

A/N - long time no see??? i'm so sorry that this new kind of shitty chapter took so long. being totally honest, i forgot about it until today when i listened to lover by taylor swift, so thanks to tswizzle for reminding me that this album exists <3 I completely forgot what the f happened in haikyuu, so i'm going off their fandom wiki page so sorry if future content is unaccurate. i might update one more time during this week so be on the lookout for that! so glad to be back :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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