chapter one

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BRING BRING BRING! My alarm clock scares me, making me spring up in my bed. I rub the sleep from my eyes, escaping from the nirvana that I was just in. The sun gleamed outside, shining through my blinds. A savory smell of fish and rice wafted up the stairs, making my stomach rumble

"Shrek-chan!" my mother yelled from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready! Come down!"

I hopped out of my bed and raced down the stairs. When I went to the kitchen table, a delicious meal of tilapia and rice greeted me and my empty stomach.

"Eat up! Today's going to be a special day," my mother said, happily sitting beside me. "You excited?"

I stopped shovelling food into my face to look at here. "I mean kinda? Hopefully the kids here aren't as mean as the ones from Nekoma." I rolled my eyes.

My mother patted me on the back, "you'll be fine, just call me if you need anything."

Would I be okay? In all honesty, the kids at Nekoma were harsh to me and my family. They would always bully me for a simple question I would ask them: do onions have layers? It was a question I've been asking all my life.

The doorbell ringing interrupted my thoughts. My mother raced over too the door, looking through the peephole. "Who would be at our swamp at this time?" I heard her ask herself.

She positioned herself upwards, wiped her hands on her apron, and opened the door. There was a tall boy with spikey, jet black hair, and piercing green eyes.

"Good morning ma'am, I am Hajime Iwaizumi from Aoba Johsai. I'm here to take Shrek f/n to the first classes of the day," the boy said, looking around the inside of the house.

My mother crossed her arms. "Did you come here on your own accord? If so, that's kind of suspicious."

Iwaizumi shook his head. "No ma'am. The school administration sent me this morning. They said it would be good for Shrek f/n to take a little tour of our school."

I stood up from the table, wanting adventure. Shrugging my backpack onto my shoulder, I walk towards Iwaizumi, shaking his hand when I got to him.

"Please, call me Shrek-chan."

Iwaizumi's face shone with crimson. He looked away, and I heard giggles coming from where he was standing. My mother looked away in shame, physically cringing from what I said.

"There's no way I can call you that now! We just met!" he said between giggles.

I just rolled my eyes in response. "Can we get going already?"

Iwaizumi stood back up, wiping tears from his eyes. "Sure, we need to figure out where all your classes are at."

I glanced back at my mom, who had a look in her eyes that said, "go on." I waved to her, walking off with Iwaizumi, and towards a new life. 

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