chapter three

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"Iwa-chan, what seems to be the problem here?" the brunette asked.

I looked up and down, observing the boy in front of me.

"Oikawa! I thought you were coming in late," Iwaizumi huffed. "That ruins the plan I had..."

Oikawa chuckled, "What plan Iwa-chan?" He walked closer to where Iwa and I were standing. "Oh! Who's this? My name is Oikawa Tooru."

I thrust my hand out in a simple handshake, "Shrek-chan, at your service!"

Before Oikawa could reply, the bell rang, making all of the students jump. Everyone rushed to their classes, leaving me, Iwa, and Oikawa standing in the middle of the second-year hall.

"Come on Oikawa! We're going to be late!" Iwa sprinted down the hall, leaving me and Oikawa behind.

"Oikawa, you should get going," I said, walking towards the door of 2-B.

A hand clenched my wrist, tugging me back to where I was last standing.

"You're a goody-two shoes, aren't ya?" Oikawa chuckled. (a/n I KNOW ATSUMU SAYS THIS LEAVE ME BE ASJDKBSD) "I want to know you better, that's all. Let's skip and get coffee somewhere."

I looked around, seeing if there were teachers walking around. I sighed, "Fine, you win."

Oikawa let go of my wrist, pumping a fist into the air. "YES!" he half-whispered, half-yelled.

I rolled my eyes, following him out of the hallway. We made it to the courtyard, a fountain was sputtering water into a basin littered with golden and silver coins. The morning was as crisp as it was this morning. Oikawa was humming a little tune under his breath, it was kinda cute not gonna lie. We paused so Oikawa could pull up directions to the coffee shop, but we heard footsteps that were not ours coming our way.

"Oikawa! Do you hear those footsteps?" I exclaimed.

His eyes widened in fear. He looked around in panic looking for a place to hide. "Look!" he pointed to an opened locker. "In there!"

He tugged my wrist, directing us towards the locker. He gracefully picked me up and shoved me into the locker with him following behind me.

"OW!" I yelled. "That really hurt!"

"SHHHH!" Oikawa whispered in my ear, making my heart stop. He clamped a hand over my mouth. "If you won't shut up, they'll hear us!"

I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the 50th time today. We were so close together I almost died, and we only met 15 minutes ago!

"This wasn't a good idea, this wasn't a good idea..." I heard him whisper, his breath tickling my ear.

I rolled my eyes again, removing his hand from over my mouth. "If you knew this wasn't a good idea, then why did you ask to do it? What do you have to protect?"

Oikawa sighed, and looked into my eyes. (a/n OH MY GOD THIS IS SO FKING EMBARRASSING TO WRITE PLEASE I WILL BE PASSING AWAY) "Well, for starters," he smirked. "I'm the captain of the volleyball team."

Volleyball? He looks like he plays baseball, but go off I guess.

"Baseball? I think you got the wrong school!" Oikawa gave me a weird look. "I think you're talking about Seidou, not Seijoh, and their captain is Tetsuya Yuuki, and they have a very talented catcher, Miyuki Kazuya, right?"

I blushed, I didn't realize I said that out loud! How embarrassing. But still, the name Seidou sounded familiar to me.

Oikawa laughed it off. "You look cute when you blush!"

I had enough of his antics. I took my hand that wasn't stuck and slapped him across his pretty face.

"You deserved that! Consider it payback for throwing me into a locker," I said angrily, a faint blush still on my cheeks. I hate him so much.

He used his hand to caress the cheek that I slapped. "You're so mean, Iwaizumi would never do this to me," he whined.

"I should have never followed you," i said.

"Hmph!" he replied, opening the locker to see if anyone was around.

The bell rang and students came filing out of the classrooms. Oikawa opened the locker and help himself out of it, holding out a hand to help me out. I ignored his request and help myself out of the locker. His shoulders slumped for a moment, but he regained his composure.

"Well that was fun!" Oikawa smiled. "I hope you can come to our practice game tomorrow!"

I gasped. That's right! Iwa told me to come, maybe I'll check it out for awhile.

"Yeah, see you!" I said, turning around and heading back to the second-year hallway.

There, I found Yahaba and Kyotani waiting for me at the entrance of 2-B.

"Ditching class on your first day, I see the kind of person you are," Yahaba smirked.

I rolled my eyes, again , "It was just once, never again, I swear."

Yahaba laughed, "where did you even go? It doesn't seem like Oikawa to skip classes."

Kyotani walked away for some reason, not saying a word to me or Yahaba.

"What's up with him?" I asked Yahaba.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, just leave him be."

A/N: H HI SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN FOREVER AND THE SHITTY ENDING KASDGKA. I haven't had any ideas to write this so this is based off an oikawa x listener audio! If you search oikawa x listener locker you can probably find the audio i used inspo from ajdksdb. If you want, my editing account is inarizakihrs! I won't be talking about this book because this is too embarrassing. See you in the next update! <3 - eva 

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