chapter four

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The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the school day. I stood up and sighed, shouldering my bag as I walked towards the door.
"Oi Shrek-chan!" a voice called my name. my eyes flitted around the room, only to see the brunette and buzzcut boy standing behind me. "Aren't you coming to practice today?" the brunette, (wasn't his name Yahaba?) asked, coming within earshot so he wouldn't have to shout.
I rolled my eyes. "No? Your dumbass flirt of a captain pissed me off today, I already had enough of him."
I attempted to run out of the door, but the buzzcut bee placed a stern hand on my shoulder.
"Well, I guess you're coming with us," Yahaba said with a cocky grin. "Can't wait for you too me the rest of us!"
As Yahaba, Kyotani, and I stepped out onto the courtyard, we were greeted by a pleasant surprise: girls from throughout the school has bombarded the courtyard, carrying signs displaying phrases such as "#SHREKSUCKS!" and "#SAVEOIKAWA2015!" I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so confused, this is the first day I'm here at Aoba Josiah and I'm being sent threats?
"Um what's happening?" I asked in a defiant tone. Never in my life I've ever seen anything like this. Not even at Nekoma, they would never have activities like this.
"Actually, I have no idea," Yahaba responded. "I've never seen the school like- HEY!" Yahaba shouted. I glanced over to where he was standing and saw him shove off a girl who was holding a sign.
"Wait where's Kyotani..?" I looked around the plaza, scanning for a familiar blond buzzcut. I scouted him out, saving a scared girl from Kyotani's punches. I grabbed his collar and pulled him, only leaving inches of space between us. (a/n 😏)
"Hey! Look I know I've only known you for a little while, but pulling shit like this could get you expelled!" I shook him aggressively.
In response he said (or rather barked), "it already happened once, just let me be!"
"What?" I let go of his collar, letting him fall to the ground in a huff. "Serves you right."
"F/N! Kyotani!" Yahaba ran over to where we were standing. "We should probably go, the coach is going to whoop our asses if we're late."
         "You mean your ass? I'm not part of the team," I laughed. "Cmon, let's go."
       The walk to the gym was rather a scary one.   Once we got into the gym, I made sure the doors were locked shut. I sighed. Finally, some peace and-
       "Shrek-chan!" a voice cried out. I rolled my eyes and turned around, expecting it to be Yahaba or Kyotani, but I was greeted with a pleasant surprise.
        "Iwa! Finally someone who doesn't annoy me!" I smiled.
        Iwaizumi blushed and look down at the ground. He glanced up with a chuckle, "I'm glad to be that person!"
       His eyes suddenly went wide open. My first thought is that one of the crazy protesters had gotten into the gym, but Iwa grabbed my arm and dragged me into the center of the gym. "Now that you're here, there's one thing we should do. (a/n 😏) Everyone gather in the center of the court!"
         Boys of heights alike gathered in the center of the gym, everyone of them curiously glaring at me, except Yahaba and Kyotani, who were profusely shooting daggers at Iwa and I. what's their problem?
         "Everyone! This is Shrek F/N, and he's  watching us practice today!" Iwa gestured at me, and I have a half-assed wave. He rolled his eyes and continued on. "Please state your name  and your year to introduce yourself!"
         I rarely paid attention to anyone, but two boys in the front caught my eye. A taller boy with pointy hair and a shorter boy with parted black hair were glaring at me like they stuck their hands into a sink full of muddy water.
        The taller boy went first, a serious expression plastered on his face." Kindaichi Yutaro, first year."
         I had to hold back a laugh. How am I going to take a guy with turnip hair seriously?
          Iwaizumi gave me a confused look, but he shook his head. "Next!"
          The boy who was standing next to Kindaichi rolled his eyes. "Kunimi Akira, first year."
          "What was that? I couldn't hear you," Iwa said, and I could tell he was getting impatient too.
         The boy rolled his eyes and looked me straight into the eyes. "Kunimi Akira, first year," he deadpanned. Great, another brat to deal with.
        The rest of the introductions were messy and boring. There were two other third years, Hanamaki and Matsukawa, who kept laughing at their own little jokes, and a second year, Watari, who seemed as tired of the bullshit as Iwaizumi.
         "Okay everyone that was great!" Iwa cheered, clasping his hands and smiled. "Now onto Coach Irihata for warmups!" Once everyone turned their backs and left, Iwa slumped and said, "I should start getting paid for this."
         I glanced around the room trying to find one person in particular, but I couldn't find him anywhere.
         "Hey Iwaizumi," I walked over to where he was slumped. "where's the piss baby from earlier today? the captain?"
          He blinked once, twice, a third time, before answering. "Oh thats right. Hes injured, so he doesn't come to practice."
         "Dammit! I wanted to bully him," I yelled.  "Oh well, I guess I have to come back until I can bully him more. Iwa?" I looked at him, who was looking behind me. I heard the door slam and the familiar scent of cologne filled the gym.
         "Speaking of the devil..." Iwa coughed to stifle a laugh. I gaped, how..? why..?
          "Ugh Iwa I think I caught the chills," Oikawa sniffled and then sneezed. "Oh F/N, why the fuck are you at my practice?"

A/N: HII EVERYONE GUESS WHOS BACK!! Okay for real I'm so sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I lowkey forgot about this 😃 anyway don't forget to comment vote etc and I hope to see you hopefully in the next chapter! <3

oikashrek ❤Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon