chapter two

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"So that's why you transferred to Aoba Johsai? Nekoma is such a prestigious school to go to," Iwa said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

    I nodded, "Yeah, that, and plus, my mother got a job here, so they gave me admission to the school for free."

    We continued in the cold morning in complete silence, only talking when Iwa pointed out places from the sidewalk.

    "And that over there," he points to a small convenience store in the street, "is the Sakanoshita store. Some crazy millennial with dyed blond hair and black lungs work there, I'd avoid it if I was you."

I laughed. "Why not? It seems harmless."

"I heard the dude also coaches the nearby school, Karasuno," Iwa said. "We have a practice game against them tomorrow, you should come!"

"Ooh," I replied. "What sport?"

"Volleyball," Iwa pointed to himself. "And this man  right here is the vice-captain!"

"Vice-captain? You sound like a proud soccer mom," I chuckled.

Iwa blushed and laughed nervously, "yeah...something like that."

After that awkward conversation, Iwa and I resume our journey to Aoba Johsai in complete silence. Iwa stopped almost immediately, and I followed his gaze to see a white gleaming school sitting a couple of meters in front of us.

"Oh wait! I completely forgot," Iwa said.


"Lemme see your class schedule."

I handed him my class schedule that I received in the mail a week before today.

Iwa laughed. "You have English first with Yahaba."

I cock my head to the side, "Who's Yahaba?"

"You'll see. Come on!" Iwa grabbed my hand and pulled me away in the direction he was running too.

My heart stopped. No, I thought, getting butterflies in my stomach, You seriously are catching feelings for somebody you just met. I rolled my eyes. I hate it here.

After what seems like eternity, Iwa finally stopped us at a class that said 2-B on a sign. An innocent-looking boy with light brown hair with swishy bangs was arguing in front of us with a boy who had a blond buzz cut with black streaks, kind of like a bee.

"Boys!" Iwa shouted. Everyone stopped their conversations to look at us. The boys looked at Iwa and I with confusion, looking down at our clasped hands. Embarrassed, I took my hand from Iwa and placed it on my hip, trying to appear superior to Iwa.

"Boys, this is Shrek f/n, and he'll be in your class starting today," Iwa explained, trying to make the blush on his face go away.

The boy with the light brown hair raised his hand in a wave. "Shigeru Yahaba, nice to meet you."

The boy with the bee hair rolled his eyes and huffed. The brunette shoved an elbow into the blonde's side. "Introduce yourself," I heard him whisper angrily. Oww, I thought. That must have hurt.

The blonde huffed again and said in a whisper, "...Kentaro Kyotani..."

I shrugged my shoulder. "What was that I couldn't hear you."

"...Kentaro Kyotani..."

"Still couldn't hear it!"

"ITS KENTARO KYOTANI!" he snarled. Everyone stopped their conversation to look at us again. Kyotani jumped at me, but Yahaba tugged on his shirt to keep him back."

"Dude! Don't jump at him!" Yahaba said, lowering his voice to a whisper. "You don't want him to come again like last time."

"Mad-Dog chan!" an unfamiliar voice said behind me. "You're so loud, I could hear you from the third year hall!"

Kyotani's eyes widened, and slowly backed away to where he was standing with Yahaba. I turned around to see where the voice was coming from. In front of me, was the handsomest man Ive ever seen, with soft dark brown hair, chocolatey eyes, and pearly white teeth, in a white-and-teal stripped jacket that reads "Aoba Johsai Volleyball Club."

"Iwa-chan, what seems to be the problem here?"

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