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A bar was not the usual place you would go for a first date. Granted, you were used to college guys who's idea for a first date was going to see the cheapest movie at a movie theater and trying to get a handy in the back row. So, in some ways, this was an improvement. Besides, it was close to campus, so if things went south, you'd just say you forgot a last minute study group session and book it to the library.

It was casual, so you decided to go with a nice shirt and jeans. It showed that you weren't trying too hard to impress a man you barely knew but also that you were an absolute knockout. Or, at least, that's what you hoped it showed. The last thing you wanted to do was make a fool of yourself. And yet, it was nothing compared to what Frank Adler decided to show up in.

You almost laughed when you saw him walk in. Teddy had shown you a picture of her with him so you knew what he looked like, and he was an absolute smokeshow. He certainly gave Andy a run for his money. He was tall, making Teddy look like a doll in comparison. (Though, to be fair, Teddy was a proud four-foot-eleven-and-a-half—and yes, the half mattered—so really anyone could make her look like a doll.) He had striking blue eyes, and a gorgeous face to match. And his beard! Oh, if you were being honest, you would confess that you dreamt about what it would feel like for that beard to—

"Seriously? You're wearing a Hawaiian shirt on a first date?" you teased as he sat across from you.

He looked down, feigning confusion as he took in the bright red shirt adorned with white leaves. He looked back at you, tilting his head to the side, a smirk almost making its way across his face. "What? I like it."

"I mean, you can like it, but you have to admit you look like you're still trying to live out your frat bro days."

Frank laughed, leaning back in his seat. "Who says I was in a frat?"

Just as you were about to respond, you looked towards the door, your heart nearly stopping in your chest as you saw two people walk in. When you caught his eye on accident, all you wanted to do was hide under the fucking table. Shit, what was he doing here? Did Andy know you were going to be here? Had you told him? And, if you had, did he find it fun to torture you by bringing Laurie with him?

God, she was gorgeous. You could understand why Andy liked her. Part of you felt like you could never compare. And it made you feel like a fool. Why would Andy be interested in you when he had someone like her by his side? Had you deluded yourself into thinking this was something more than it was?

You tried to swallow your anxieties, focus back on the conversation with Frank, and said, "You just have that sort of look. If I was a betting woman, I'd say that you were the type of guy who'd run around with a bunch of other drunk guys wearing tacky Hawaiian shirts, chanting Alpha Alpha Alpha or whatever your frat's name was."

His smirk was on full show now. He looked you up and down, a teasing lilt in his voice as he said, "So, what I'm hearing is, is that you think I'm an Alpha."

You couldn't help but laugh, shaking your head at him. You weren't sure what came over you, but you couldn't stop yourself from saying, "You know, I'm not fully convinced. I think you'll have to show me."

"Teddy didn't tell me how funny you are."

"Well, I'm an unappreciated comedian." You took a sip of the martini you had ordered while you'd been waiting for him to arrive. "Forgive me if I'm being too forward, but I do what your honest answer here. I'm too...busy to have to try and play games. What is it that you're expecting out of this date? Just a night of fun, something serious, something in between?"

It was what you wanted to say to Andy. To try and figure out what it was he wanted. But, every time you tried, you got all tongue-tied, forgot what you were saying, would make a fool out of yourself. You were already so caught up in trying to figure him out, you didn't want to have to deal with another man doing the same. You needed someone in your life to be upfront about their intentions.

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