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Avoiding Andy became a more and more difficult task after his phone call. He seemed to be everywhere you turned. Everywhere you went, from school to the grocery store, he was there. He never said anything to you. He only watched, waiting. But he never acted. You were ready to go back home, to get away from all of this. Some time away could do you good. At least, that's what you prayed for. You didn't know if it would ever be possible, if Andy would ever let you go.

But a girl could dream.

And that dream was so close to fruition.

You had just finished zipping up one of your suitcases. You had finished your last final only hours before, and come Sunday morning, you planned to go back to your hometown for the summer. Your father had given you a position at his firm, and you would be a fool not to take it. It paid well, he let you have decent hours (at least, as far as decent hours could really go in the practice of law). And, if all went well, you wouldn't have to see Andy Barber for a couple months. It was everything you could ever want.

Yet, you were not free.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

You frowned, your brows furrowing together. You weren't expecting company. You hadn't had company in...Who knows how long. Without thinking, you went to the door and opened it. And you wished you hadn't.

"Hey sunshine!" Andy said, smiling at you.

How could he be so...happy, after that phone call? Though, you supposed, he probably saw nothing wrong with it. He probably thought it was perfectly normal. It almost made you wonder if Laurie had to deal with these mood swings, too, or if he reserved them especially for you.

"Uh, hello," you said. "I-I wasn't expecting you."

"I know, but I wanted to surprise my favorite girl," he said, stepping into your apartment. You moved, letting him in before shutting the door, afraid of what could happen if you pushed back. He was happy now. Who knew how long that would last, though. "I figured you were heading back home soon, so I wanted to say goodbye and wish you a good summer."

"Uh, thank you. You too," you said. You shifted on your feet. "What are, uh, your plans?"

"I'm gonna do some pro bono work," he explained. "You know, I'm really gonna miss you. That's why I came down here, actually. Wanted to give you something special before you left."

You swallowed hard. Something special? What the hell could that mean? "That's very sweet," you said, forcing a tight-lipped smile, "but you don't need to give me anything."

He took a step closer to you, and you stepped back. He took another step, and so did you, but your back hit the wall. His hands came to rest on your hips as he pressed his body against yours. He leaned down, lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. "So sweet, sunshine. But this is just as much for me as it is for you."

You sucked in a breath. You weren't sure this was something you wanted to do but...What other choice did you have? You knew who his father was, what his father was capable of. Would he do the same if you denied him? Would he be worse? You weren't sure you wanted to find out. So, you said, "Kiss me."

"I'll do much more than that, sunshine," he said, pressing his lips to yours. But he pulled away quickly, whispering, "As much as I want you right here, right now, I want to make it last more. C'mon, take me to your room."

He pulled away, letting you step away. You held onto his hand, leading him to your bedroom, trying to swallow down your anxieties. It was just this one time. After this, you wouldn't see him again. After this, you could be free. If you just did this now...You could have your peace.

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