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Everyone around them chattered about the Festival of Lights, girls giggling about sending off lanterns with their "boyfriends" and boys bragging about the pretty girls they'd done krathongs with. The only student not participating in the conversations at all was Thai. He had his focus on something else - rather, someone else. But that person wasn't there yet, at least not where Thai could see him and his friend.

"...and then she batted her eyelashes at Em, and asked if he was interested in coming home with her-"

"She did not!"

Rose laughed at the indignant expression Em had. "Knock it off, Em. We all know you've slept with your girlfriends."

"That's different!" Em hissed, catching Thai's attention. "I was in a relationship with them! I don't sleep around like Roan does!"

Roan rolled his eyes. "How long has it been since you had sex, my friend? You seriously need to get laid. Might help with your sour attitude."

As Em chased Roan around, Rose turned to Thai and said, "What are you looking for?" As if I don't know.

"Nothing. Just thinking," Thai mumbled. He rubbed at his forehead, wishing he was brave enough to go looking for Cat. Maybe if he kept an eye out for Cat's super tall friend, that Ben guy, maybe Thai would be able to spot Cat better. "How are you doing?"

Rose cocked her head. "With what?"

"Thought you were determined to get a boyfriend this year at the festival. Was that all just talk?" Thai teased her, laughing softly when she smacked his shoulder.

A small smile crept across her face. "No, it wasn't. But I've already seen all the boys here. I need some fresh choices."

"Boys aren't produce, Rose."

"Some act as if they have vegetables for brains, so excuse me for insinuating that they are."

They shared a snarky look.

Then Rose straightened where she was leaning against the school gate, eyes zeroed in on something over Thai's shoulder. "Hey, that kid is here. I wonder why he's so late today?"

Thai casually glanced back. Sure enough, it was Cat walking away from a fancy car beside his friend, the two talking quietly to each other. In Cat's hands was a small box and a post-it note on top. Thai was too far away to be able to see what the note said. "No idea. Maybe he had a late morning."

"Hm," Rose made a face as Em and Roan came back their way, Em still going after Roan with promises of painful retribution. "Aish. You'd think they'd eventually grow up."

"Em, yes. Roan? No. He'll always be a big kid."

"A crazy man whore," Rose corrected Thai, and they both sniggered.

"Save me!" Roan cried out dramatically, yanking Rose from her comfortable post at the gate so she was standing between him and Em.

Em growled low in his throat, eyes shooting daggers at his friend. "Hiding behind Rose won't save you this time, Roan! Don't forget, you annoyed her just yesterday when you hid her nail polish from her!"

Rose eyed Roan. "You know what," she moved away from him, gesturing for Em to proceed. "He's absolutely right. Carry on."

"Rose! You traitor!" Roan called back as he took off once again, managing to stay a few steps ahead of Em. Roan was a bit taller and more muscular than Em, but Em was extremely fast on his feet, and more than able to keep up with the other.

Thai shook his head and hiked his backpack higher up on his shoulder. "I'm heading in. You coming?"

"No way in hell I'm staying out here!" Rose declared, falling into step beside Thai. "Roan would just try to use me as a wall again, and I want nothing to do with him like that. He deserves a good pounding now and then. Hey," Rose realized, "How come you never try to punch him like Em and I do? We all know he annoys you just as much if not more than Em and me."

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