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A/N: Yeah, just so you know, the cover above isn't a mistake. I've decided against the penname I was putting on my original works. I'm just going to use my Wattpad name on everything after this. But since I've already published all of my 'Fujoshi' story, I'm not going to bother republishing it with the fixed cover. I might with 'The C.E.O.' Still thinking it over. I will, however, fix it in this story since I only have a few chapters posted. :) Anyhoo, enjoy the chapter, and sorry I took so long posting!

Silent and cautious. Cat had to be extra careful no one spotted him leaving the house, or else his father would be informed, and his plan would fail. Again. And he'd be put under extra watch. Again.

He finally made it out of the house and exited the gate, running to the end of the private road - not a short distance at all - and flagged down a taxi at the main road. Cat practically dove inside, terrified he would be seen. He told the driver where to go, and they were off, Cat's house disappearing from view. It wasn't until he couldn't see the street sign anymore did he actually relax.

Two other times this week he'd tried to leave the house, only to be stopped by one of the security guards. Problem was, they didn't answer to him, but his father, so he had to stay put. He hated feeling like a rat stuck in a tiny cage.

He breathed in deeply to calm his racing heart and watched as the buildings changed from over the top fancy to normal shops and businesses. They were now in the middle class area near his home. The driver pulled into a small parking lot, and Cat handed him the fare including a generous tip, then jumped out of the taxi and walked inside a building. Past two doors, a tiny dance studio and an empty room for rent, he entered the third door, bowing upon entrance.

"I'm here, khun Kim," he greeted his South Korean martial arts instructor. They'd known each other since his second year of middle school.

Kim Haneul, a middle-aged man who looked younger than he was, greeted Cat back and told him to warm up. Some of the other students were already on the floor. Cat ran off to his locker to change, and joined the others on the mat, stretching before warming up by using one of the bags to punch and kick.

It was wonderful being able to hit something after the hellish week he'd had. Waii and his friend had caught him off guard a few times, knocking his books out of his hands and kicking him in the hallways, sending him sprawling and nearly making him trip down the stairs. The students watching had been too afraid of Waii coming after them, and stayed silent, though Cat had seen a few sympathetic looks.

Sympathetic looks don't do shit, he growled to himself, punching the bag with more force than necessary. All they do is make me feel like I'm pathetic. One of these days, I'm gonna punch Waii so hard, his descendants will feel it to the hundredth generation. There was no way Cat was going to use 'Phi' for Waii. Waii may be older, but he deserved no respect. Not with how he was treating people at school.

It wasn't just Cat. There were a few other boys being picked on and called derogatory names, all because they dress or act a certain way. It was humiliating having to deal with it everyday, but Cat wasn't going to give those two idiots the satisfaction of staying home and proving they'd gotten to him.

Besides, he kicked the bag, nearly toppling it, I'm not gay. I still like girls. He's wrong about me.

"Everybody line up on the mat," Haneul said loudly, watching the group of guys rush to obey. As soon as everyone was facing the flags, he had them bow. "Recite the first half of the Songahm Spirit of Taekwondo! Sijak!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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