Chapter 2

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I finally made my professional MMA debut in September 2009 and quickly complied five wins in a month. On August 14th, I won CWFC featherweight, lightweight, and middleweight simultaneously.

Which graced me the title of first Mixed martial artist to hold three divisions, which marked my Global debut as the undefeated Champion.

In late 2012, I would make my first defense off the featherweight title against the rising star. The match didn't go well for the amateur idiot, that little fucker won't stop shit-talking in front of the press, and even though I was an athlete known for keeping my calm under any threats or insults, the guy insulted my father and called him as a failure, a loser in life.

I kind of snapped and in a fit of anger I ended the rising star career once and for all. Once I had him in a corner, an elbow and a knee to the daring Chad's head opened a huge gash, painting the ground red by the end of the second round.

In the third round, a real bloodbath started. I took great advantage of the situation, banging his head even harder and disfiguring his "Chad" face with a brutal knee to the head.

For a brief moment I remembered looking around and seeing everybody was perfectly still, the only sounds that filled the whole place is my fist hitting repeatedly and viciously to the head, and by the time the referee snapped me back to my senses there was so much blood around me that it only took a few handfuls of seconds for the doctor to call off the fight and escort my opponent out of the ring, who is on the verge of losing consciousness and probably his life.

That day people honored me with the title of "The Merciless" due to the injuries I inflicted on their supposed rising star.

The last thing I heard about him was that he was in extensive care. So yeah, I messed him up pretty badly, but do I feel any remorse for what I did? No instead it gave me a deep sense of satisfaction.


In September, of the same year, I signed contracts to defend my lightweight championship title against another mixed martial artist.

And again, it became a bloodbath... It started early in the first quarter when I landed a clear shot to the nose of my opponent, followed by a strong uppercut that opened a cut on my opponent's face, and by that point, already soaked him in blood.

My opponent did manage to stop the bleeding between rounds, but the fight had to be stopped in round three. It seemed when we collided hard with our heads, my opponent was the one that was misfortune enough to get yet another deep gash, while I was graced with a small cut above my left eyebrow.

Blood literally sprayed out, and the cut on my opponent was too big to continue the match, giving me the TKO victory after the doctor's stopped the match.

My next match, which took place on January 10th of 2013 was no different than my earlier two matches, but what made the fight that more exciting is that it was the main event at UFC on Versus 3.

Surprisingly it was my opponent who was the first to draw blood, delivering a blow that cut me early in the first round. In the second round, I turn into a higher gear, and came out blazing, opening a gashing wound on my opponent too.

My opponent didn't fold, though. He returned the favor yet again with a devastating punch to my ribs and the strength behind it cracked one of my ribs. That was probably one of the most shitiest injuries in my life.

And I retaliated... I retaliated hard, and my plan was to pummel him with strikes and then use Jiu-jitsu to take him out.

Capitalizing on the first mistake my opponent made, I put him on his back. Once I had him in my clutches, I immediately started dropping hard strikes at his face.

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