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The next day, Lucy and Theodore walk through Taipei airport. Their eye scans their surroundings as they walked past by many guards, Theodore noticed the headlines of the news streamed on the flat screens, both of them were all over the news and wanted for their actions.

Police are hunting nationwide for them and they even put a huge bounty on their heads not knowing the danger he and Lucy could bring upon those curious people.

But no one noticed them, because they don't look the same anymore. Theodore shrank his height an inch lower, he now has wild brown hair instead of black, his eyes are oceanic blue. He wore a blue shirt and maroon jeans.

Lucy now has long black and straight hair, as of now she isn't capable of changing her eye color, so she dons black sunglasses, to hide her eyes. Her choice of clothing is a sexy short black dress, with a pair of matching black heels.

"Dragging the police isn't a good idea." Theodore told her as they strides through the terminal building.

"It's the most efficient and the fastest way to get to packets." Lucy told him and then fetched her phone from her purse, and dialed a number as they headed for customs.

While she was busy with that, he grabbed two passports and two first-class tickets from his back pocket, one was Lucy's and the other one is some random guy's he stole right under his nose, and by the way, the tickets are also fake.

He hands Lucy's passport first and her ticket first, the customs officer's eyes glazed over the second he grabbed the two contents.

As if possessed by a ghost the officer picks up the stamp and stamped Lucy's ticket, he robotically handed Theodore the passport and the ticket. Theodore handed the stolen passport and the ticket to the officer he was controlling, after the officer stamped his ticket, he released his hold off the officer and left the place with Lucy who followed closely as she talked with Del Rio aka Amr Waked, on the phone.

[On the plane]

Unlike the movie Theodore chooses to go with the first-class seats for several reasons, first, they will be getting their own compartment with a sliding door that means they will have privacy.

Secondly, in the movie, Lucy literally started to disintegrate and she caused a huge scene, but now she is protected from the prying eyes behind the sliding door.


A message crackles over the speakers. Theodore put the laptop aside and sank back into his seat and closed his eyes.

[What should I do now?] He questioned himself, he won't be following Lucy like a pet dog. He has no wish to tag along with her as it would bring a lot of unnecessary attention on him, unlike Lucy who is going to die in 24 hours and become an ethereal being, he will survive thanks to the rate at which his cells are adapting and evolving.

Humans are quick-witted, sharp-eyed, and perpetually dissatisfied. They craved power and wisdom for their own gratification.

If he selfishly chose to sacrifice himself[Let people experiment on him] for the betterment of human kind there is no doubt that his sacrifice would benefit billions, but will he do it? Hell Nah, mankind can go to hell for all he cares, he Guinea pig? Like that will ever happen, his life is his own, he will be the one to decide what he will do with it.

Following Lucy will no doubt put him in a difficult situation, unlike her who chose to sacrifice herself for the betterment of mankind he is going to use his knowledge for his own gratification, honestly once he exceeds 80% he will become pretty much like Dr. Manhattan, a literal God, or maybe more powerful he will be able to control all form of elements in the universe, atoms, matter, dark matter, magnetic force, gravitation force, time and space, antimatter, biomass, he will be able to control the very reality around him.

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