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Theodore grabbed the gun from the man's dead body and with Lucy he slinks swiftly down the empty hallway, both of their eyes still shimmering somberly, all fear has left Lucy and Theodore looks like he doesn't care anymore, all earlier confusion has left the features of his face & was replaced by this unnerving witty smile.

They enter a small room, where four Chinese guys are playing mahjong on a table filled with food and alcohol.

The four men immediately stopped laughing and freeze, staring at their victims with wide-opened eyes.

"Say hello to my little friend." Theodore raised his gun and emptied the whole magazine, blowing them away with the bullet to the brain, before they could even react.

"I feel nothing..." Theodore muttered, he didn't feel anything, as if taking five lives for the first time means nothing to him, he wasn't even surprised and awe at his John Wick level aim, all he felt paralyzing numb & emptiness, he can't tell whether he was even a human being anymore, and it scared him a little, he does not want to lose his desires, his personality of who he is, he don't want to become an empty vessel with no purpose in his life.

"This drug has changed us..." Lucy said. "Both physically and Mentally." She grabs a bottle of booze and chugs half of it down before she kicked a dead guy off the chair and sat in his place.

"I didn't see you with us." She questioned, while she devours the sandwiches on the plates as if she hadn't eaten for a week.

"I do not remember a thing."


"Nothing." Lucy stared at him and he stared back calmly. "Do you prefer a long explanation or a short one?"

"Short" Lucy nodded. "We are victims of Gang, you see this..." Lucy lifted her shirt and pointed at the bloodied bandage wrapped on her stomach. "They inserted some sort of powerful drugs inside us, but when he kicked us the packets might have ruptured the pouch."

"Can we expel them out of our bodies?" Theodore asked her. "I have no idea" Theodore nodded as if to tell her that he understand. While Lucy finished her meal, Theodore looked around the room and find a metal cabinet that contains an astonishing array of weaponry.

He spotted an empty Duffle bag in a corner which he used to pile all the guns from the cabinet, he lobs the bag filled with weapons before Lucy who reached inside and grabbed a handgun and a magazine.


Both of them stride down a hallway that leads to a stairwell. They took it and at the top of the stairs, they find themselves in some kind of warehouse, filled with workers.

Ignoring the workers they come out into a small parking lot. The sun has already gone down so it was dark outside.

Lucy spotted two taxi drivers chatting, Lucy pointed her gun at the younger man. " You speak English?" She asked.

"No! No! No!" The Asian man let out a terrified scream as he back paddled. "No?" Lucy didn't waste a second and shot the man in his legs, before switching the muzzle to the other man's head.

"You speak English?" The terrified man nodded his head instantly, he don't want to suffer the same fate as his buddy. " Y-Yes."

"Then take us to the hospital." The driver nods meekly. "Hospital! No problem!" The driver opened the door for them, Lucy and Theodore.

Once they were seated the driver kicked the gas and drives through the streets of Taipei. "Fetch me a silencer from inside the bag." Lucy asked Theodore, who took it out of the bag and handed it to her.

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