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"H-Help..." A desperate voice filled with agony calls out to him followed by sounds of heavy thumping noises. 

He slowly opened his eyes to look at the source of the voice and found himself tied up in the captivity of a padded room, the kind of room where you can scream all you like and not have to worry about upsetting the neighbors.

Right now Theodore has no idea what the flying fuck is going on, a moment ago he was inside that void, wishing to leave the place, and the next moment he opened his eyes inside this room. 

[What the hell is going on?] How is he still breathing? He questioned himself? 

Maybe that Covit-19 fiasco is nothing more than a bad dream, but a dream like that is too real to be a fake. It felt too real to be a dream, but he can't comprehend one thing, and that is if it wasn't fake then how come he is still breathing?

"Augh!" That's when he noticed the commotion before him, he spotted two shady-looking Asian men, one fully clothed and the other one is wearing only jeans, and set in the far wall is a large ring with a meter length of chain dangling from it. One of the men walked out and then dragged a woman inside, her face is covered with a weave hood but from her accent he can tell that she is from the western region, the two-man haul her over to the far wall and handcuffed her to the chain.

He can't see her face, because these two Asian men are blocking his view with their bodies, but he can see her figure from between the gaps of one of the man's legs.

The way they leer at her leaves no doubt the subject of their conversation. Apparently, they like what they see. 

The fully clothed guy comes over and touches her hair as if feeling for quality. The shirtless guy clasps her breasts with one hand as if testing a melon at a market stall for ripeness.

"I'm not in the mood!" The rejection seem to anger the shirtless dude, and then suddenly he punched her in the face. 

The woman falls back and he kicks her in the gut several times, shocking Theodore.

"Hey, Assholes!! Why don't you pick someone of your own size, Yeah?" They turned, and right that brief moment Theodore caught the view of her face. 

The woman is none other than Scarlett Johansson, one of the top most talented actresses in Hollywood.

"What the bloody Fuck! That's Scarlett Johansson, you mother fuckers!" Theodore roared as he stared at her way, she was writhing in pain, gasping for breath and clutching her stomach.

Theodore's eyes became incomparably murderous on seeing the blood dousing her white shirt. Right now if his hand wasn't tied behind his back he would have bashed their face in.

[让他闭嘴] (Shut him up!) Theodore knew a little bit of mandarin so he was able to understand what they were saying.

[去他妈的自己] (go fuck yourself) He shouldn't have said that when his hands are tied behind his back but words said in anger lead to a bad situation and he knew it too, but as usual his temper got the better of him. 

The second they heard him throwing cursing at them, the man in jeans charged at him & kicked him in the stomach, but for some reason, the pain is too unbearable, Theodore knew his body can endure kicks much stronger than this, but it hurts like hell!

"You kick like a little bitch" Theodore groaned out in mandarin and even let out a yawn to further anger the man.

"You are a dead man!" The shirtless man pulled a gun from behind the waistband of his pant and pushed the muzzle to Theodore's forehead.

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