Mr. Jang

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The pair comes out of the local hospital, and breathes in the cool night air. Lucy gazes at a tree surrounded by sea of asphalt. Her mind filtered out every sound until all she hears is the tree's leaves fluttering softly with air. She focused her eyes on it and found herself capable of scanning the tree like a X-RAY machine.

She saw all its veins and the sap running through them, she saw its roots spread out into the earth. She slowly turned her eyes on Theodore and focused hard, what she saw shocked her a little. "Yours cells are adapting at a rapid pace… You are body is evolving to handle the drug, how is this possible?" Lucy questioned him.

"I have noticed, but I have no possible theory to explain this abnormality." Theodore answered.

"Then you might be able to survive."

"Who knows, maybe I will or maybe not…" He replied calmly and enters the cab and Lucy too gets in. "Now what?" Theodore asked Lucy.

"Now we go after the mastermind behind our misfortune." Lucy answered, coldly. "Take us to the Imperial Hotel." The terrified Driver kicks on the gas and quickly left the area.

Theodore opens the Duffle bag and to look for some useful weapons they can use. He finds some knives, he kept four for him and the other two he gave it Lucy.

"You can't use that, it's too loud." Lucy stopped him from grabbing the shotgun from the bag.

She reach out and grabbed two silenced handguns.

"Use this instead, dealing with the cops will be a hectic task" Theodore shrugged his shoulder and took the guns from her, and tucked them in the back of his pants.

[Imperial Hotel]

The cab pulls up outside the imperial hotel, Theodore knocked on the driver's side window and gesture the terrified Driver to lower his window.

"Wait here, Eh!"

"Okay, Okay." The driver doesn't really have any choice except for accepting these two dangerous people's demands.

The pair marches into the hotel and heads to the elevators without being noticed by the receptionist. They enter the elevators and Theodore saw her pressing the button on the 25th floor. Once they reached the floor, they walk down a hallway and stopped outside a suite.
Lucy focused on her improved visions and found two goons standing at the door, except for them she saw another two chatting very close to the door.

"Go ahead." Theodore told her calmly. She leveled her gun and shot multiple bullets through the soft plywood door.

Theodore pushed open the door, on the other side he found the goons with gaping bullet wounds on their head, except for one who is clutching his neck to stop the blood pouring out of the wound, but it's a futile endeavor because he is going to die anyway.

Theodore pointed his gun at the goon, and blasted a hole through the skull, killing him instantly.

Lucy enters the suite and closes the door behind her.

"Good Work" Theodore looked at her with a slightly tilted head. "I didn't do anything, you are the one who did most of the work." He said.

"He was about to reach for his gun, it could have alerted the guests."

"I noticed that" He then points at the padded walls. "The room would have suppressed the noise."

"Ah… Yes, you are right."

The pair then calmly walks through the empty suite. They head for the office of the boss aka Mr. Jang, the mastermind behind-the-scenes and the leader of this gang.

They found him, sitting in an armchair with a female manuscript working on his left hand, he had a face pack on with two slices of cucumbers over his eyes, and he had headphones on that was blasting a very old opera music.

"Go into that room" Theodore ordered the Chinese woman who look at the pair anxiously. "Don't make me repeat again." He said in Chinese.

The woman gets up and quickly shut herself in the room. Lucy placed her handgun on to the table and hitches up her shirt slightly, revealing two knives tucked in the back of her pant.

She whips them out a flash, and drive them viciously into the tops of Jang's hands. The mafia let out a scream, and jerked his body forward making the slices of cucumber go flying. He barely moves on seeing the pair. Jang's mouth gapes open but no sound dares to emerge.

"Learning is always a painful process. Like when you're little and your bones are growing and you ache all over." Her voice mellows, become almost emotionless.

"Can you believe I can remember the sound of my own bones growing? Like this grinding under the skin. Everything's different now. Like, sounds are music that I can understand, like fluids." If looks can kill a person, then by now she would have died over a thousand times as Jang hatefully glared at her.

"It's funny, I used to be so concerned with who I was and what I wanted to be and now that I have access to the furthest reaches of brain, I see things clearly and realize that what makes us us, it's primitive." Jang is too busy writhing in pain but Lucy didn't stopped.

"They're all obstacles. Does that make any sense?" Jang glared at her. "Like this pain you're experiencing it's blocking you from understanding. All you know now is pain, that-"

"Lucy, he doesn't understand a thing you are saying. We don't have much time." Theodore interrupted her, and with slight annoyance in his voice he told her to hurry.

"Yes, time… You are right" Lucy peers at Jang and slowly presses her thumbs over his forehead.

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