Medical fairy's farming daily life in the last days

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Chu Shuang, as the master of immortality, returned to the modern earth. At that time, his spiritual power recovered, the forest swallowed the city, and the strange contaminated the land. Humans were struggling to survive in the base, and food was increasingly scarce. Chu Shuang: Farming? I'm familiar with this. First build a first-level spiritual field, sow a handful of rapeseed, and harvest a basket full of small greens the next day. Then upgrade to a second-level spiritual field, plant a few strawberry seedlings, you can produce new varieties of milk flavor. Later, he developed a three-level spiritual field and planted a cherry tree. The small cherry has its own healing effect and flew to her bed with its small wings. She was pounding strawberry jam in the small villa to break her head with a handful of berries. ...... In the last days, many small animals were injured and wandering. She felt softened, and first took back a wet fluffy fluff, and then rescued a crying little spirit grass, and put it in Carefully taken care of at home. However, in the forest, many fluffy velvets immediately boiled when they heard that Chu Shuang had soft rice to eat here! Leaving her territory, dragging her family and surrendering to her. Chu Shuang looked at the large untapped territories of the plush, and immediately announced: "Let's set a small goal now, and then envision a big one." The plushs: "What the boss wants to do, just ask! Chu Shuang: "The small goal is to plant ten thousand acres of spiritual fields." "The big goal is to see the people in the base? Each of them holds a lot of spiritual stones, but can only drink the nutrient solution. Hot pot bottom material, earn him a lot of votes!" Content tag: Farming text, Do business search keywords: Protagonist: Chu Shuang, Supporting role: Mr. Bai, Others:

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