interstellar tattered queen

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 Traveling to a garbage star in the interstellar era, Ji You is so poor that she almost digs up the soil and eats it, but... the soil here is poisonous and cannot be eaten... There is no other way, she can only lower her body to pick up garbage, sell broken things, etc. Yes...
For example, no one wants such a beautiful grass seed. Pick it up and sell it as a bead, which can be sold online. But as soon as
it was posted on the Internet, someone made a negative comment: "The grass seeds are all sold, are you crazy about money?"
Just one! Just one is fine."
Jiyou said coldly: "Not for sale!"
For another example, these broken stones all over the street are so shiny that no one wants them. They pick them up, polish them into bracelets, and hang them on the Internet. Sell.
Everyone uttered evil words: "The broken rocks are all sold, have you never seen money?"
A few days later, everyone cried bitterly and said, "It's because I have no eyes, it's because I am blind, such a beautiful rock, begging to sell me One."
Ji You spread out his hands: "It's gone."

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