C ʜ ᴀ ᴘ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ 1 - Departure

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1 8 8 4, 14th birthday of Y/N L/N, the only child of the L/N's. She was kind, but a little bit of a rebel. In fact, this was her first trait of personality. Since her childhood, she didn't want to do all the things her parents and her nurses asked, she thought the most of it was unnecessary and boring. The only activity she really enjoyed, was playing piano. Her parents forced her to take classes, and she thanked them everyday for that. It really was her source of happiness, despite all the other things she had to do as a future "lady", the future owner of all the companies. She didn't want to be a lady, and on top of that, she didn't love the idea of having kids and a husband. Oh my goodness, not in any way. She wanted to live for herself, become a musician, a celebrity, an artist.

Unfortunately, her parents didn't agree with this idea. She will become a good mother, a good wife, even if she didn't want to. This is her destiny, future can't change. Her future is already sold, and nobody, even herself, had the right to change it.

--- 1ST November 1884, London ---

" Noah, do you know where Y/N is? I have something important to tell her," asked Mrs. L/N, her mother.

"Not at all Madam, but I do believe she is in her room. I guess I heard the sound of her piano when I passed by her door."

"Again? It's 6p.m! She's playing since the beginning of the afternoon! God, this lady doesn't know when to stop."

Mrs. L/N passed next to Noah, one of the households of their manor, accelerating her walk towards Y/N's room. When she was in front of it, she didn't hesitate to knock at her door, frowning her brows.

Nobody answered.

She knocked again, still nothing.

And nothing.

The only thing she could barley hear was, like Noah said, the sounds of her piano. She frowned even more, and entered in the room without her permission, walking towards her. She was playing, like they thought, and she was performing the Dance of the little swans by Tchaikovsky. Everybody in this mansion knew she adored his music.

"Y/N!" Her mother exclaimed, interrupting her performance.

Y/N turned towards her mother, an annoying look on her face. She hated when she was doing that. Didn't she heard and saw that she was playing? That she was in her little world only?

"Don't look at me that way young lady, I am your mother. When did you start playing ?"

Y/N looked away, playing with her fingers. "I don't know mother, maybe one hour", she lied.

Her mother walked closer, taking the tip of Y/N's right ear. "Don't lie! It is not appropriate at all for a future lady."

Y/N sighed loudly, "I'm not a future lady", she mumbled.

" Oh yes you are! We have not this conversation again," she said by letting go of the ear of her daughter. "You play good, but piano is not what you should focus on right now. You are fourteen, you are growing up. Soon, you'll getting married. Piano is just a plus, a hobby, nothing more."

"But- "

"Shut! Don't, there's no "but", it's like that and you know it. Your father and me told you that a million times. Plus, I have something important to tell you."

"That's why you are here, right?" asked Y/N, knowing that her mother didn't really want to pass some free times with her daughter. Such a selfish person she was. At least, her father spends some time with her when he had the time, but those times where rare.

"Yes. Me and your father had decided that you will be going on a girl school, a boarding school to be exact," continued her mother, folding some clothes she found on her way.

"What? Why?!" exclaimed Y/N by letting a few of her fingers slides on the lower notes of her piano.

"Do not exclaim yourself like that! It's for your safety and your education. You are fourteen now, you must be properly educated. Otherwise, no men would want you as their wife. "

"But mother! I am already having school and education class right here, in home. Why do I have to be so far away from you all? I don't want to go to a boarding school, it's too formal and girls aren't happy in those schools!"

Mrs. L/N sighted, approaching her furious daughter who were now standing up right in front of her large window. The manor of the L/N was enormous and was in front of a beautiful lake where Y/N loved to go when she was little. But since she grown up, she passed half of her time on her studies or playing piano.

"I am not sending you there for you to be happy, but to become a Lady. You are a L/N, you must go to a formal school, like that it will teach you the cruel world we are living in. You spend your time playing piano, but artist is not an option, at all. I already told you that."

Y/N couldn't hear what her mother was saying. She didn't want to. She didn't want to go. All her life was here. Well, she didn't have any friends to care of, but she had her nurses, her households and her piano. "Mother please-"

"Do not beg me, it's not going to work. You have no choice; you are going to this school whatever if you want to or not. Classes start in 1 month, get ready," finally stated her mother, letting Y/n alone in her room again.

Her mother was right, she wasn't ready to be a lady. Not at all. She still was childish and irresponsible. But did she really had no right to choose what she was going to do with her life? Being a pianist was all the matter to her, she wanted to play until she couldn't breathe anymore, she wanted to add emotion to this cold world.

She heard a knock on her door, again. "Come in," she said blankly.

"Sorry to bother you my lady, but I heard what your mother said, I know I shouldn't have to, but I was right behind your door, may you excuse me," said an apologetic Noah, standing at the entrance of Y/N's room.

"It's fine Noah, close the door please," replied Y/N sitting on the edge of her bed, her look full of sadness and fear.

"Listen Mrs. Y/N, I know how you feel right now. When I quite my parents' house, I was in the same state as you. It's difficult at the beginning, but you'll made with it. Trust me, this school could be benefic for you."

"I know you're right, but I'm scared. Not of the school, but of the future. I'm scared to be not enough for my parents, to be a burden. I don't want to screw up all the things my family worked on. I want my parents to be proud of me, but I don't want the life they imagined for me. I don't want to be married or have any kids," she finally said, little tears on her eyes.

Noah approached her, letting one of his hands in her lower back, sitting next to her. "It's okay, you can cry. It's okay."

Y/N listened to him, letting her tears flew on her cheeks, little sobbing escaped her mouth.

Noah continued, "You are only fourteen, my lady. You are still really young; you will grow up and learn how to handle life. Maybe your future husband will not want any kids either, or you can come to an arrangement with him with this kids' situation. Plus, when you will be married, you will have all the time of the world for playing piano again, no mother, father and teachers to tell you when to stop."

Noah was right, Y/N didn't take this situation in that way. If she was doing what her parents wanted to her to do, she will have a stable situation, socially and financially. When she will be old enough, she will be able to be an artist, like she always wanted to. Plus, with this girl school, she will, maybe, finally have some friends. Some friends, who could help her in life later. Yes, that was a good plan. That was the better plan, to be honest. Run away and become an artist under another name was no longer an option.

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