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Prompt : "Write about an animal species that doesn't exist in real life — an alien, new discovery, imaginary creature — it's up to your interpretation!"

Oh.... oh boy.


How long will we be here?


The Boatem Crew was floating. None of them could tell if they were drifting up, down, or to any side. Nobody could see anything except an empty void; various hues of blue that shifted to green or purple swirled in what seemed to be slow motion, regardless of whether the crew was hurtling or cruising through space.

Within the suits, Scar had prepared was a communication system so that they could speak to each other without removing the helmets. Each person's helmet was color-coded, which was what most of the budget supposedly went towards. ...supposedly.

Just about fifteen minutes ago, the downward-facing rocket had spewed the five Boatem members into the Boatem Hole itself, but it already felt like an hour since then. Scar was pitching his cult-creation tips and ideas to Mumbo Jumbo, Grian was half-turned away, limp, and Pearl and Impulse were chatting casually about each other's builds and phantoms. They were able to switch VCs so that the multiple conversations wouldn't overlap with one another, much like the radio.

"...and so I was able to take all that I need to rebuild my factory," Impulse was saying, patting a shulker box that was outlined in his suit pocket. "Thanks to Timmy... man, I'll miss him. Of course along with everything else we lost."

Pearl heard a sound through her headphones that resembled a badly-distorted sigh, and she fought the automatic urge to do the same.

Every one of the hermits, even those outside of the Boatem Crew, would have readily fought- tooth and claw- for each other and their world.

Unfortunately, contrary to Mumbo's ideas, you can't fight the moon.

Pearl wasn't sure if the lack of grief was because of how everyone was accustomed to leaving worlds each season, or out of disbelief. It's not every day that a person thinks about what might happen if the moon started careening into your home. The fact that Boatem as whole had given up sleeping (apart from Scar) had not helped, and even though they had resumed their sleep schedule recently, the effects had not finished wearing off.

Some of them had assumed they were hallucinating, or had turned attention away from the moon itself. Right before takeoff, Mumbo had to fetch Grian from his base. Crazy bird had been doing interiors just before an almost 3,500-kilometer (diameter) had collided with the world. Impulse himself had been considering his future candy business and his lawn.

The yellow suit at the corner of Pearl's vision flashed, breaking her out of her thoughts as she turned to look at Grian. Impulse followed her gaze, and suddenly both of them were watching the avian spin in an awkward, weightless circle to face them.

More surprisingly, however, was the thing he had in his arms. The two staring at him didn't notice his lips moving, saying something they could hear, instead the life form.

It was like somebody forced a tiny spider and an enderman to fuse, a small, six-legged, and round thing. It was glancing between the three hermits who were paying attention to it, with big, purple eyes that glimmered as they shifted.

Pearl looked up and motioned to Grian to shift VCs. It took him a moment, but soon the two could hear his soft laughing when the little thing clambered up to his shoulder.

"Grian! What is that?" Impulse asked, unsure if he should make a move to take the thing off Grian.

"I don't know," Grian chuckled, moving the little thing back down, where it perched on his forearm. It had hedgehog-like quills that glowed blue on the ends, exactly like the void around the Boatem Crew.

The three of them heard the blipping sound of Mumbo and Scar joining their VC, and immediately after, Scar's "awwwww"s.

"Oh-ho-ho, who's this little guy?" he was saying, somehow being able to float over to Grian and scratch the strange creature's head.

Grian replied in a light-hearted tone, "I don't know! I woke up, and he was on my head." The void-thing made a chirping sound that somehow made its way to their ears, despite the literal complete lack of matter.

It floated off and away from the birdman and went up to each hermit. It wasn't until it disappeared, as quickly as it had come, when Pearl realized it was saying farewell.

That was odd.

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