Chapter 3

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*The Next Morning*

*At The Apartment*

*Kylie Dear is seen sleeping peacefully in her bed*

*Suddenly, the silence is broken by sound of people talking, and shouting*

*The sounds wake Kylie up from her peaceful slumber*

Kylie: H-Huh..? 

*The sleepy and confused human sat up, and looked at the door*

Kylie: What the..?

*The outside of the room is seen*

*The door opens, and Kylie walks out of the room, she then goes to investigate the noises*

*The voices get louder the closer she gets, until she walks into the living room*

Kylie: Huh!?

*Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Rouge, Silver, and Blaze are seen talking to each other*

Kylie: Guys!?

*The gang turns their attention to her*

Kylie: What's going on here?

Blaze: Thank heavens you're safe!

*Blaze runs up to Kylie, and hugs her tightly, Silver soon joins in on the hug*

Silver: Are you ok!?

Kylie: Y-Yeah, I just got up.

Tails: Wait, when did you get home?

Kylie: Last night, I got home late, and I didn't wanna wake you up, so I just snuck in.

*Knuckles crosses his arms, and glares at her*

Knuckles: Thanks for the consideration..

Kylie: Why are you looking at me like that..?

Rouge: Kylie, did you see anything strange last night?

Kylie: *gulps* Uh...not really..? Why?

Silver: Didn't you see the news!? The Dark Gaia Spawn's back! 

Kylie: Oh yeah..

Blaze: Not just that, there's another creature too!

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