Chapter 1: Job Application?

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It's a slow day today, like any other day. Harsh weather interrupted your morning coffee as you sigh, 'there goes my shopping day'. Groaning to yourself and mumbling frustrated that you still don't have your licence to drive in that storm, so you're stuck at home  wondering what to do for the rest of your day. 'Could watch a movie, orrr even read, that'll be nice' you thought to yourself as you stare out your kitchen windows, seeing the branches and rain hit against your windows, feels like a perfect time to read one your books your parents gave you.

You love to read even ever since you were small, books kept you occupied and interested, all the fantastic stories about fairytales to old diaries discovered from a time before. Reading meant a lot to you, you didn't quite understand why books were your thing but hey! You didn't care too much to think about it and pick at the thought. You thought about what you could possibly read, you read through all your manga, animal info books and history novels, what could you possibly read to fit this mood?


Oh? What could that be? You stand up from the dining table and made your way towards the door, while opening the door the harsh winds blew against you as you look down to see a newspaper, lifting your head to see where it came from a small figure on a bike was riding away from your house, quickly realising it was the newspaper kid doing his rounds you quickly pick up your newspaper and head back inside.

'Well that's convenient' satisfied that you have something new to read even if it's just gossip, political fluff and the occasional headline of an accident. You unfolded the newspaper and began reading through the headline 'BRAND NEW HORROR ATTRACTION!! HELP WANTED!! 'Oh? How curious, a new attraction being set up here? And it's a horror attraction?!' A smile spreads across your face as new found excitement shoots through you. Quickly reading through the excerpt you are reminded it is infact looking for people to hire, you felt more excited but took a second to actually think about what you could possibly get yourself into, what if the boss is rude but the pay is good? What if the workers will think you're weird? Should you tell your possible employer about your diagnosis? What if?? Should I??

Shaking your head as you set the paper down to start shooing away all the unhelpful thoughts 'It probably won't even be that bad, plus I could use the money...' you say to yourself, trying to calm your racing thoughts at possible work you sigh and slump your shoulders, it stresses you to even consider it but you can't keep avoiding it. Picking up the newspaper again , you gloss over the text to look for an address of the location, preferring to speak in person than on the phone. When discovered you wrote down what you needed to do on the calender and on your phone to remind you for when it's time.

Now you wait for the time to go.

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