Chapter 4: Home and Startled

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What the hell...
How on earth did it... how could it...move? How is it active?
These thoughts swarmed your brain as you walk home, terribly shaken from the near death experience you just had. You just couldn't understand how you even HAD that experience at all!! How the hell did your coworkers find this abomination?! How could they not know it's still working!?
You approach your home, exhausted and confused. You unlock the door and drag your feet inside, shock has a good grip on your body. Can it blame you? You almost died! You think you almost did...? It appeared hostile, but you weren't sure but... the past incidents flood your brain justifying your feelings on the experience.
'I have to tell my boss! But... will he even believe me? It's good to report it anyway! Then it's on record and they're aware of the possible scenario! Yeah! That's a good reason!' You smile to yourself slightly as you come up with a new social script and all you have to do afterwards is remember to do so after you rest... for hours.

...Resting Well... until...

You appear in a restaurant scenario, you look around to see crowds of people that surround you. It's appears to be a birthday party! However you are confused, when did you ever go to a birthday party? You didn't have enough friends to do so. Glancing around some more you notice the stage with a trio of animatronics singing and dancing.
You recognise them.
It's Freddy and Friends! Wait these models seem... old? Is this a different establishment? You notice the golden animatronics of Freddy and Bonnie but they're not on stage? They walking around and interacting with people! Huh... I didn't realise they could actually interact with people, that's amazing. Before you could appreciate the technology of these models the atmosphere seemed to shift.
The lights dimmed, people faded out leaving you standing there seemingly by yourself. Quickly looking around, confused as to where the crowds went but before you could even think of questioning it, you hear muffled chatter.
Slowly you walk over to the voices and find yourself at the entrance to a hallway, the chatter becomes more clear.

'Your.... Is here..... follow me.... It's here..' a deep voice assures
'Thank you... was worried... to see them again!' A childlike voice replies

You take a small glance around the corner and spot the golden Bonnie guiding a child into a room. You feel your chest tightening, you're not sure of why yet but something feels... wrong. After the rabbit follows the child into the room and closing the door, you quickly and quietly walk towards the door and notices that the door says 'Private: Staff Only'.
Your stomach drops, you don't need your intrusive brain to tell you what's possibly happening. Anxiety fills your chest as the child starts to cry out.
The cries ring throughout your ears and shakes your core, they sound real... too real! Your body started to work against you by quickly throwing open the door and go to shout for the rabbit to get away. But you were too late.
The rabbit slowly turns its gaze to you, surprised it was caught. Below him was the child... the child is... no no no no no NO NO!!
You shriek and fling yourself to a wall, you can't believe you're seeing this! This is... This is too much! You don't want to see this! WHY ARE YOU SEEING THIS!? Frantic you close your eyes while tears are pouring, you can't handle this, this is just... too much!
You were so distracted with what you saw, you didn't notice the rabbit had approached you. It placed its hand on your shoulder, grabbing your attention. You quickly look up to see the bloody rabbit staring down at you with its dull grey eyes. It's grip tightens, the stare intensity's, as if frustrated that you had interrupted it from its terrible crime.
Tears continue to fall, you're terrified, frozen in place. You want to run so badly but you can't move! You're stuck.
The rabbit raises its arm..
It's strikes...
It's black....




>>BEEP- you slam your hand over the alarm, snoozing it. You groggily wake up, your heart is going crazy, you can feel it pounding in your chest. It's cold on your face, your brush your hand against your cheek and notice you had been crying in your sleep.
You can't even blame yourself for it though, that dream... that dream was... AWFUL. Just awful, how can your brain even conjure something like that, it felt like a dream but parts of it felt too real. You remember the child's cries, it's awful. It becomes looped in your head, giving you a headache.
You just... can't comprehend it, it's just... it feels so different from your other dreams.
What even was that?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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