Chapter 2: The Interview! Wait What?

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Groaning you throw your hand over to your phone to silence the alarm, 'uughh it's too earlyy' you moan as you groggily lift yourself out of the comfort of your bed, really tempted to just flop back onto it and go back to a relaxing sleep but you can't, remembering what you set yourself up for today you groan to yourself about needing to go into town, 'I <yawn> really hope it's worth it' you mumbled as you threw some bread into the toaster and went to go and clean your filthy body. When setting the shower up you begin to plan out what you should say to workers and employer, trying to think of every possible question they could hit you with. While showering you remember some noticeable sentences in that newspaper you read "HORROR ATTRACTION BASED ON THE OLD FREDDY FAZBEAR PIZZA RUMOURS AND LEGENDS!!" That part really stuck out to you, a vague memory surfaces about some disappearances that happened at the old establishment, no one figured out what happened to the victims. You begin to feel bad for the families involved and hoped that they're doing well, kinda weird that Fazbear Inc allowed this attraction to even surface! They kinda made a reputation for themselves because of their business practice.

As you finished up your shower you exit the bathroom and entered your room to begin getting dressed while still thinking about the rumours, it kinda just became front and centre in your head, it's all you can think and theorise about.
Finishing up your outfit and entering the kitchen to find your toast is cold, perfect! You prepare your awesome toast while telling yourself 'while eating I'll just quickly google about it to ease my curiosity' hoping it would satisfy your need to learn more about it. Sitting at the dining table with your awesome toast as you pull out your phone and began googling about the fazbear rumours, eating your toast while reading the results and articles.

The time came for you to leave and set out for the attraction for possible employment, now equipped with the knowledge of past events with Fazbear Inc, you can now try not to cause trouble with being uneducated of the situations. While walking along the path you think to yourself 'thank goodness it's only a block away' relief and relaxation washes over you, feeling like you have chance at getting that job interview, hooray for confidence! While also keeping in mind it's okay if you don't get the job, it doesn't matter you're sure there are plenty of other places that could be hiring so no harm no foul.

However halfway through your walk, you can't help but let your mind wander back to the disappearances and how they never found the killer... It unsettled you to say the least, it made your heart start racing. Anxiety flooding through you 'I could just go home and not risk it but I kinda need that job.. but what if I go missing? Will anyone look for me? Will the company tell my family? What if.. WHAT IF?-', your thoughts were cut off by the familiar looking building appearing in you field of vision.

It's the attraction itself.
Fazbear Fright
The Horror Attraction!

You shake away your thoughts thinking 'I-m already here, I may as well see what I'm possibly getting myself into.' You drag your feet towards the entrance feeling as nervous as ever, repeating possible conversation scenarios in your head so you don't screw up. Before your hand could reach the handle the door was pulled inward and a tired employee saunters out almost bumping into you.
"Um.. excuse me? Do you work here?" You ask sort of quietly, the employee slowly turns their head to look at you appearing slightly annoyed, they sigh deeply as they face their body towards you.
"Yes! What do you need? The attraction isn't open yet.." they say with that 'customer service' voice, "I'm aware you guys aren't open yet but uh I saw that ya'll are hiring? I'm looking to fill any position!" You replied quickly feeling a little anxious to what the answer may be, the employee sighs again and walks back to entrance and gestures for you to follow them inside, "Yeah.. I'll take to my boss, he'll know what to do with you" they say while trying to remain as social as possible. Nodding as a response you quickly follow them inside.

It's honestly not what you expected it to look like on the inside, the feeling of what should be dread and fear was instead feelings of curiosity and fascination! You found yourself looking everywhere and getting all giddy over every little detail you perhaps noticed on second glance, the employee notices your widened eyes of wonder and let out a quiet chuckle that you couldn't hear. What didn't help your excitement was the robot shells of the former cast of  animatromics scattered throughout the hallway, you've always adored robots, most of your books were about them after all! "You've been to Freddy's before?" The employee asked breaking the silence, "no unfortunately, my parents couldn't afford it but I always dreamed of meeting the robots!" You reply, trying restrain from spilling everything about your interest to this stranger. Walking into the building brought life back into your childhood interest in robots and you were welcoming it back with open arms.
While reminiscing about your childhood the employee had stopped before a door that had 'MANAGER' slapped across it. The employee gestures for you to wait a moment "Hey boss? Someone is here to fill the position!" A gruff voice replies with "excellent! Let them in!" The employee looks towards you and nods goodbye as they take their leave, you nod back at them and sighed deeply trying to not to let the nerves get the best of you. Now semi confident you enter the office.

"Um yes? Hi, I'm Y/N and I noticed you were hiring?" You say nervously, questioning your memory in the process "Why yes we are! Please have a seat!" He offers and you quickly oblige. As you've been seated he begins to rattle off questions like 'how'd you discover our ad?' and 'why do you want to work here?' Ect, ect. What you expected were more... intense questions and thought the boss would be more.. weird? But everything feels fine so far!
Then the manager hits you with this "you sound excellent! You start you shift here tonight!" He says cheerfully as he quickly stands up to presumably grab your uniform. You were stunned, lost for words, 'was.. was that really it?' You couldn't believe what you heard, is this normal? Probably not but.. is.. is he allowed to do that? "Wa- Wait!! What position did I get??" You sputter out as your new manager tosses your uniform to you and chuckles "you got the security guard position! I hope you like night shifts! You start at 12am" he says while sliding some documents towards you "Here's uhh.. a waver! For you to work here! Just need your phone number and your signature!" Those words did not sit well with you, it made you feel uncomfortable? But where are you going to find another opportunity like this? Nowhere maybe but..
Screw it
If something happens then you'll know you screwed up.

You signed the paper.

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