Anger Issues

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           Bucky threw his mitt in the dirt in a fury, before grabbing John Walker by the collar of his jersey. John had a smirk on his lips as Bucky shouted in his face, obviously glad he could rile Bucky up. Not long after, John and Bucky were rolling around in the dirt, a small dust cloud beginning to form in the baseball field. Punches were being thrown left and right, and Bucky didn't seem to be stopping any time soon.

"Go get Y/n." Steve whispered to Sam before he nodded and ran off.

Sam found you studying in the library with Natasha and Wanda, and one look at Sam told you it had something to do with Bucky. You and the girls followed Sam to the baseball field. Bucky was completely pummeling John Walker, and you had to stop him.

"Bucky! Stop!"

Hearing your voice, Bucky lifted his head to look at you. His hair was a mess, strands of hair frayed and sticking in all directions and dirt was caked all over his body. He was sporting a busted lip, a gash on his forehead, and it looked like he was going to have a black eye. You walked closer and grimaced when you saw what Walker looked like. You softly put your hand on his bicep and told him to calm down. While you were distracting Bucky, Walker tried to crawl away from Bucky. Seeing Walker trying to get away, Bucky moved to go after him.

"Bucky. No." You said putting both hands on his chest to stop him from moving. You knew Bucky wouldn't hurt you. "You've hurt him enough, don't you think?"

He tried not to look you in the eye, his breathing still erratic from the fight. His chest was heaving up and down and a glare was soon set on Walker, who was fixing his jersey, blood dripping from his nose.

"You guys take care of Walker. I've got Bucky." You said as the others took Walker away.

When you looked back at Bucky, you noticed his glare was now centered at the ground, and he was hiding his hands behind his back. You sighed when you looked at his face, it would look pretty bad tomorrow.

"Lemme see your hands, Buck." You said quietly.

He hesitated for a few moments before slowly bringing his hands from behind his back. They were busted and bloody and you knew he was hurting, even if he was masking the pain well. You gave him a quick kiss before looking up at him.

"Let's go get you cleaned up and we'll talk." You said as he nodded and followed behind you like a kicked puppy.

You guys grabbed your stuff before walking back outside. He followed you to his car and he stopped for a second. "Where are we going, doll?"

"I'm pretty sure practice is over for today, and I can be done studying today. I'm taking you home, so give me the keys."

He reluctantly handed them over to you and you got into the car. The ride was silent other than Bucky's heavy breaths. Once inside, you tossed the keys onto the counter and told Bucky to go into the bathroom. You pulled out the first aid kit and joined Bucky in the bathroom. He was sitting on the counter, his blue eyes settled on his hands.

"What were you thinking Bucky? This is the 5th fight this month, you're lucky I'm close with the principle, or you would be out of college by now. I don't like seeing you like this. You better get your act together, or I'll pummel you myself." You said as you got out the supplies you needed to clean Bucky's wounds.

That earned a soft laugh from Bucky, and you turned serious again. "But seriously, Buck, you could end up in jail, and I don't know if I could handle—"

Bucky put his hand on top of yours and lightly squeezed it. "I'll do better. Promise, doll."

"You better mean that." You said as you poured some rubbing alcohol on a cloth. "This will probably sting."

Bucky hissed in pain as you tried to clean his injuries and he squeezed your waist.

"Hurts, baby." Bucky mumbled softly.

"Sorry, almost done. And maybe this will teach you to stop getting in fights. It will spare you pain and me medical supplies." You said as you added some waterproof bandages on him. "Now wash up and I'll have some dinner ready for you, okay?"

He smiled up at you. "M' kay. You're too good to me, doll."

"I know, now go hop in the shower." You said as you pressed a kiss to his forehead before exiting the bathroom.

By the time Bucky sauntered out of the bathroom, you had finished setting the table. When you went into the kitchen to grab the food, Bucky walked up and hugged you from behind. He sighed with contentment as he squeezed you tightly and nuzzled into your hair.

"Mm, I love you, baby." Bucky hummed as he pressed a kiss to your hair.

You leaned back into him and smiled. "I love you too, Buck."

After standing in each other's embrace for a while, you wiggled out of his grasp.

"We should probably eat before the food gets cold."

He nodded and gave you a short kiss. "Cuddles after?"

You laughed. "Yes, Buck. Cuddles after."

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