A Little Help?

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You glared at the top shelf that held the toy you needed to buy for your niece for her birthday tomorrow. Why did they put toys on a high shelf, like seriously? Your eyes read the little sign that read "Ask For Assistance for Items On The Top shelf"

You scoffed. "They'll need to bring a frikin' ladder."

Peeking out of the aisle, you scanned the store for a Walmart associate. No associate in sight. Just great. Wait...there's a random guy over there. He's looking at his phone, his baseball cap hiding his face, he kinda looks sketchy, but, hey, you needed that toy. Taking a deep breath, you walked toward him.

"Excuse me." You said as his head snapped up quickly.

Holy freak, his eyes were blue! "Uh, could you reach something for me?"

He looked hesitant for a second, but nodded his head slightly, and pocketed his phone. He followed you to the toy aisle again, and you pointed to the needed item. He reached for it and frowned when he realized he wasn't tall enough.

"It's okay, there should be an associate somewhere..." You said as he shook his head.

"I can get it." He said softly.

He stood by the shelves before leaping into the air and plucked the toy off the shelf. He landed back gracefully and smiled. "Tricky item to get."

You smiled back at him as he handed you the toy. "Yeah, thank you."

"Why would they put toys on the top shelf? A very tall one mind you." He chuckled.

"Yes! Finally, someone gets me! It makes no sense! Thank you again."

He blushed slightly and you thought it was utterly adorable. "It was nothin'. I'm Bucky, by the way."

"Y/n. I'm glad I came across you. I don't think another guy would have been as kind as you. My niece thanks you." You said as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously before looking at you. "I hope this isn't weird, but, uh, would you maybe want to get lunch sometime? Sorry, it's just that you just seem like a nice person, actually, it was a stupid offer, just forget about it."

You giggled. "Slow down there buddy, I would love to get lunch with you. You seem like a nice guy too. And you're pretty cute."

Red crept up his neck and onto his cheeks. "Th-thanks."

"So, where would you want to grab lunch?"

Bucky wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. "Um, there's a quiet little café I like to go to if you're interested."

"Sounds neat. Friday at 1 work?"

His blue eyes seemed to brighten. "Y-yeah. Uh, we could meet at the park and then walk to the café from there."

"Alright, it's a date." You said with a smile.

Bucky's breath hitched and he adjusted he hat with a small smile. "Yes. A date. See you then."

"See you then, Bucky Boy." You called walking away.

Bucky couldn't wipe the grin off his face. His phone vibrated harshly, and he fished it out of his pocket. Bird Brain was glowing on the screen and he answered.

"What do you want?" Bucky deadpanned.

"What was so important that you were ignoring my texts? I know you weren't smelling candles." Sam said as Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Literally anything is more important that answering your texts. But if you must know, I just got a date."

He heard Sam choke on the other side of the phone. He sputtered and Bucky heard a thud in the background.

"Uhh, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Sam coughed. "I'm just really disappointed in myself for not getting a date before you. My pride hurts. It's literally shattered on the floor."

"Hey, so I looked for that shampoo you wanted, but it wasn't bird safe so I wasn't sure if I should get it or not."

"Ha ha, very funny. I hate you."

"The feeling's mutual buddy. I'll be back soon."

"I expect to hear every little detail about this mystery date when you get back." Sam said.

"No promises. Bye Birdie."

"Adios Cyborg."

Bucky slid his phone back into his pocket before walking toward a Walmart associate.

"Do you guys happen to have any bird shampoo?"

Bucky Barnes Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن