Love in Bloom

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A/n: Some soft florist! Bucky for all you lovely people!

            The aroma of flowers and soft rain filled Bucky's nose as he entered his flower shop. A grin worked its way onto his face as he checked some of the growing plants. He did a routine check on the tiny sprinklers above them and then crouched to their level.

"Looking good little guys." Bucky said as he gently brushed his fingers over the tiny leaves. "Keep up the good work."

He stood back up before clapping his hands together. With a soft hum rumbling out of his chest, he got to work gently clipping flowers and arranging them for his deliveries before moving onto more arrangements to put outside the store. Spring was the best time for his flower business, and he loved seeing his customers' faces light up when he gave them the perfect arrangement. A few customers trickled in and out, and he even managed to help a panicking young man with last minute anniversary gift.

Bucky's took a glance at his phone and realized it was time for deliveries. He gathered the arrangements and brought them to his car. He stopped by the hospital and dropped off some flowers to some of the patients. He dropped off some to a couple offices, a church, a wedding reception. He drove back to his shop to grab the last arrangement, preferring to walk through the park to get to his usual customer, you. He may have trimmed his beard this morning and did his hair in a bun like you said you loved, but nevermind that. It's not like he wanted to impress you or anything.

Bouquet clutched tightly in his hand, he started walking through the park. Birds were chirping sweetly and the trees in the park looked absolutely beautiful. He smiled when he spotted you, floral sweater and a pair of jeans adoring your body, you were laying in the grass looking up at the fluffy clouds. Bucky laid down beside you, the soft grass feeling soothing between his fingers. He turned toward you with a smile.

"The flowers you ordered." He spoke softly, gently moving them into your view.

You grabbed them with a smile. "They're beautiful, Buck, thank you."

You pressed a kiss to his check like you did every week he brought you flowers, and every week he couldn't stop his cheeks from burning.

"It's nothing, doll." Bucky said looking up at the clouds trying to keep his composure.

You looked at his reddened cheeks and smiled. "It is something, Buck. You always manage to make such beautiful bouquets, that's talent."

"Yeah, I guess so." He mumbled.

A couple of birds flitted above you and Bucky before chasing each other.

"Aw, love it when they do that."

Bucky turned toward you again. "Chase each other?"

You laughed. Gosh, he loved that sound. "They're in love."

Bucky hummed. "Love, huh?"

"Yes, love. You do know what that is, right?" You asked poking his ribs playfully.

He chuckled. "Of course, I know what love is. It's a feeling I'm very familiar with."

You sat up and looked down at him, your eyes locking onto his blue ones. "Ooh, does Buck have a crush?"

Bucky felt a rush of heat to his cheeks again. Why was he like this? He sat up and exhaled.

"Maybe?" He breathed out. "But I don't know if she likes me back."

You pulled a couple leaves out of Bucky's hair with a fond smile. "I'm sure she does. Besides, who can say no to you when you've got that cute bun in your hair?"

A chuckle rumbled out of his chest and his ears turned pink. He might as well have "I'm Infatuated with YOU" slapped on his forehead.

"I'm serious." You giggled. "Besides, spring is the best time for love. I say go for it."

"Really?" He asked plucking some grass.


Bucky took a deep breath. Okay, he can do this. "I like you."

You clapped. "See, you got it. Just do that."

His eyes crinkled as he laughed. "N-no, doll. I mean, I like you. You're my crush."

Your cheeks warmed this time. "O-oh."

"You don't have to feel the same way, doll. I—"

You pecked his lips, causing the words to die on his tongue. "I like you too, Buck. Why else do you think I order flowers every week? Don't get me wrong, the flowers are gorgeous, but I really just like seeing you."

"Springtime really is the time for love. Can I kiss you?" He whispered leaning closer.

You nodded and he closed the distance. He let out a soft sigh as his lips touched yours and he pulled you closer. The kiss was cut short, however, when a low buzzing sound came closer.

"Ah, bee!" You exclaimed jumping up.

Bucky chuckled and shooed the bee away. "Guess that's part of springtime love."

You both laughed and he grasped your hips. "Now, where were we?"

"Bucky, you have your shop."

"It's okay if I open back up a little later, perks of being the owner. Now hold still so I can kiss you again." He said before locking his lips onto yours once more.

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