Chapter 46

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Everything was bright. All the lights were so bright. I looked around me to see white walls. I see myself in a room full of concrete. Everything is closed and I'm all tied up. What is going on right now? I try to get up but couldn't. Everywhere I looked the walls were coming closer and closer. My heart was beating fast and sweat was coming down my face. Everything was moving close and closer until I open my eyes to find myself in another room.

This room looked my old room. The room I grow up in before my rebellious stage. My window creeks open and in comes Abby? She looks in my room and ens my closet. She goes inside to take out a purple strapless dress. She then takes out a pair of black pumps. I observe her until she grabs boths items and heads out he window. Moments later I hide behind the closet when the door to the room opens. I have no idea why I was Hiding if Abby didn't see me. The person I see entering the room was Malady?

She looks around and puts a letter on my bed well the bed. She then leaves and I grab the letter. Once I open it it is the same letter I read when my parents were starting to take over the busines as in the whole area. This is when they had recruited me. I had accepted this because I felt I would have a family within them. My life started to change when I had bumped into both Kelsey and Abby days ago. This is when I first meet them. Moving around the room I decided to go outside of it. I open the door only to see a light. Seconds later Kelsey apears with my son Scottie.

"Oh Mari you really thought you could escape. I mean look at your little son here. He looks more like Dean than you. Nothing about you is in him. No one will miss you when your gone. Get a good lokk at him now cause you will never see him again. She walks away with me screaming at her to comeback. She then stops by the stairs and drops my son. I start screaming life crazy and run to him only to fall into a blackhole. I start screaming like crazy until I feel someone wake me up.

"Mari i'm here . Everything is okay. I'm here and no one is hurting you baby. Please wake up."

I just keep screaming until I open my eyes.

"Mari its oaky. Sssshhhh baby. Will get him back okay. Will be a family again. I know I have said it many times but I will get us full again ." He says.

"She dropped him she wantedto kill him. I saw ,y old room I saw Abby and Kelsey in my dream. I saw how I turned to the person I was back then. I brought this upon myself. I took the wrong path." I said crying into him.

"Mari we all make mistakes. We can always fix them. Look at me. I love you and the kids. I don't wanna let you go. I will never change you for any other woman. I have had weak moments but I always come back to you cause your on my kind all the time." He says.

"Dean I think its time I do a special return on screen. I don't wanna be that fragil girl again. I wanna prove to people iminnocent and if I get judged I will bare it. Kelsey isn't going to win. I'll show her that I can still be on top with the life I chose. Dean help me take her down. I wantmy kids back and my life back."I said.

"You nee to stay down low baby. We got it from here. Yiu are a prime target like Isa. Your boh keys into this. I have everyone who wants to help out. All your minds were poisioned and will get cleaned." He says.

"We will be clean. I may have a serious memory issue but I know what i did back then. All those horrible things. Now I wanna be different. My kids nee a nice life away from mines. They don't deserve this." I said.

"Get dress baby cause were putting plan A into place." He says. I get up and changed. Right now is time for action. My reble side needs to comeback so I can take down everything is trying to destroy me.

"Mari sasy hello to our next chapter in our lives cause once we start this with Kelsey there is no going back." Dean says.

"Time to fix this and get back to our normal lives' I said.

We head out to put plan A into action.

So what you guys think? What is the plan? Stay tune for some action and some wrestling to take place in some of the chapters. Please comment and vote.

Shattered or not? (Dean Ambrose)#wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now