Chapter 51

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Today was the first day of my treatment. Everything was going so well that Dr. Collins said I would okay with having things stored in my head if I really think about and care about much it'll be on my mind stored safely. Meditating also helped me relax and find my inner peace that I never thought I had.

"Alright Marissa this will end our session. Your doing great and its only the first day. One thing I would like you to do is write a letter to yourself every other week. This excercise will help you let out feelings and help you remember things. After writting it I want you you to seal it somewhere safe and after the end of the month you hold have 2 letters. I want you to read them and compare them. There should be some similarites and some diffrences. There might be love and hate and all sort of emotions." She says.

"So let's say I didn't write anything that I actually feel but just what my mind is thinking. Does it mean anything?" I asked.

"Well in reality its just a way of letting out what your thinking. Its like freedom expression. Your just using creative writting in a way. I can say its a good thing considering your mind is giving letting out a lot." She says smiling.

"Well this is one excercise I'll enjoy very much." I said.

"I'm glad we were able to open up a little. I thought at first you would be a closed minded person like most patients who have a hard time talking to strangers but no my observations showed me the exact opposite." She said.

"I felt good actually felt good talking to someone who was willong to understand me." I said.

"I see you really wanna be someone who is doesn't wanna make the same mistakes she did back then. Clear your mind when needed or play with your kids to letthe bad stuff go away. I see lovely children and a loving husband who want what's best for you. Marissa know that your not alone." She says.

"Everyring will change and its for the better." I said smiling.

"Oh and i forgot. I have these pills to help cope with any anxieties that may occur. You may feel a little lighthead or a little under the wheathee on the first few teies but after that you should be okay. I recommend you only take them when needed." She says handing me the pills.

"I um......thank you." I said.

"Alright so I'll see you tomorrow so we can continue the process. I have a feeling you might be 100% sure of yourself sooner than later."she says.

"Your welcome anytime into our home. I said.

"Take care and be careful with the pills." She says leaving.

After she left I noticed that the kids wrent home and neither was Dean. I looked at the pills that Sharon had given me and I remember taking these kinds when I was younger. I use to abuse these pills and do the craziest things. Why I'm I thinking about these pills. I need to get rid of them. Just looking at them made me realize these pills are no good for me. I can't let Dean or the kids know about these. Thye might be perscribe by a doctor but I know how these work. My past isn't clean even when it came to drugs. These need to be taken out of here.

Later that day

Dean was here while the kids were in school. I had forgotten that they were in school and it was barley the middle of the semester for them .

"So bby how was the session today." Dean asks.

"It was good. You knowi never felt so relaxed inall my life." Isaid.

"Oh. So when you were with me you weren't relaxed." He says smiling.

"Not like that Dean. You know what I mean." I said smacking his chest.

"Mari I believe you need to be relaxed." He says wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh I'm sure you can help me relax."I said kissing his cheek.

"I think you missed." He says pointing to his lips.

"Did I really." I said movinbg my hands up and down his muscles.

"Yes. I think I like having your back against my chest so I can do this." He says kissing my neck.

"Dean not now." I said moving my hands to his head.

"Hmm. " he says kissing my expose shoulders now.

"You know I think I do need some relaxzation." I said pulling his face down to mines.

"I'll take over baby. I wanna make sure your relaxig." I said.

"Do watever you want." I said turning around so i could face him.

Hours later

Dean and I were wrapped together in a blanket. I might say I'm mostly on him while the blanket is mostly covering me.

"So baby you feel okay." Dean asks.

"Of course I do baby. I think I need another round." I said kissing him all over.

"Someone seems a little horny today." He says.

"Well after what we did how can I not." I said.

"Your wish is my command. He says flipping us over for another round.

Dean's pov

Marissa was really into our little sessions we had. She seemed so hapy that I couldn't help but make love to her over and over. She was sleeping and I had realized that the kids would be home soon. She looked so peaceful sleeping that I carefully remove my arms from around her.

I got dressed and kissed Marissa's head before stepping out of the room.

I headed to the kitchen to get something to drink. I was gettig a glass when a bottle of pills fall over the counter. I pick them up and see they are Mari's. I read the name of the medicine carefullyy and notice the side effects of this medicine. I just shrug it off knowing she wasn't under the influence. I put the where they fell from and went back upstairs. I noticed Mari wasn't in bed nor in the room.

"Baby its naughty of you to leave me all alone. I think I deserve a liitle something."

I turn around to Mari with lustful eyes.

"Just needed a drink." I said.

"Well I need my husband to help me shower. I want us to spend time with the kids when they get back." She says.

"Okay but we better hurry since we have half an hour." I said.

"Plenty of time baby." She says pulling me with her.

I just had a feeling she might have taken some pills but I wasn't sure.

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