Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys before I start this story I just wanted to say that this is my first time doing anything like this so please be kind!!


On a cool spring morning Void starts his usual routine. Wake up, go back to sleep, wake up again, get 10 monsters and mocha coffees from his local store, scroll on tiktok, and go back to sleep. When he went to sleep that night he had a strange dream, a fairy named Mavis visited him and told him to come by the creek. " I'll be waiting for you Void.", she said softly.

The next day Void contemplated whether he should go to the creek or not but he had nothing else to do with his life. So he put on a ripped black shirt, black sweats, and the only pair of converse he had and went off. On his was he stopped to throw a rock at a pole not far from where he was. "Damn it I missed!!", he said angrily. When he reached the creek he saw a strange light that called him over. He walked over slowly cautious and conscious of his surroundings. He the light fade and was stunned at what he saw next, a black fairy!

She had hazel eyes, white and blue dress cut to her knees, shiny chocolate skin, and a subtle yet strong voice. "You're quite a character Mr. Lockheart. Pleased to meet you, I'm Mavis Shirley." "Who are you- what are you?", said Void confused. "I am your fairy guide and your friend!" said Mavis joyfully. "I don't have friends and if I did you wouldn't be one of them." said Void. "Don't give me that Void because I can do things to you that you'd never think of~. Anyway come and walk with me to the forest I have something to show you."

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