Chapter 2

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"This is the tree of healing. It is what I want to have you experience on this journey.", said Mavis. "Well what the hell does it do?", said Void.  "Let me show you.", said Mavis gently. "For me to be able to heal you I'm going to need to look through your memories to fully understand how your brain works.", said Mavis. Void begins to feel dizzy and has a flash back.

"Hey Void I love you man. You've been there for me my whole life. I'm sorry. I love you Void.", said Peter. "Peter what the hell are you doing man. Please tell me what's going on. I'm coming over.", said Void. "It's too late, I want to tell you before I go that I love you and I hoped we would date and have a happy life together but it won't work. I love you so much Vi.", said Peter. " PETER PLEASE DONT GO I LOVE YOU!!", said Void. "I love you. BANG-." Peter hangs up.

Void gets to Peters house but it's too late. Peter is laying dead on the floor with a note by his side. Void runs over to Peters and holds him in his arms. "PETER PLEASE I LOVE YOU. YOUR NOT GONNA COME ON WAKE UP MAN. WAKE UP GOD DAMN IT PLEASE WAKE UP. please wake up..." said Void. He notices the note and reads it, "I love you forever and always. -Peter." On the note it has a picture of them a couple weeks ago when they were at the park.

Void is the only person to go to Peters funeral other than Peters family. It was elegant just like Peter was. He also had pride in what he did. And he always gave his friends a smile even when he felt like dying. Peter was a sweet soul.

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