Chapter 4

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Void stays at Darin's house for a few weeks to get back on his feet. Darin doesn't mind because this has happened many times before. After Voids mom died Void went over to Darin's house because he couldn't stand the house in which she died.

"Wake up sleeping beauty," exclaimed Darin.

"I'm up i'm up," said Void.

"Hey man that lady fairy came over here and want to talk to you. I think it's serious."

"No way am I going over there."

"Come on man it can't be that bad can it??"


"Well do what you think is right man. I'm gonna go make some hot pockets, want one?"

"Nah man I'm good, thanks though."

"No problem man."

Void speaks through the bedroom door to see Mavis sitting on the couch watching some sort of nature show. She looks at the bedroom door and sees Void peaking out the door.

"S*HT SHE SAW ME," exclaimed Void.

"Mr. Lockheart could I please talk to you for a moment," asked Mavis.

"Fine," said Void quietly.

"Void I'm sorry for the inconvenience that I caused you, I was just trying to see your past so I could heal you."

"Well I didn't think you would go that far."

"I should've explained farther I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

"So uh are we alright??"

"Yeah we are."

(Hey guys it's Bbuggers and I wanted to apologize for the short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it!!)

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