the procedure

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"About you and Mister Park Jimin's relationship..."

I roll my shoulders and gulp, but the doctor waves his hand dismissively. "Don't worry about facing any prejudice from me, we accept all sorts of couples at this clinic. I do not condone discrimination."

I nod and smile carefully.

"Mister Jeon, you see, Mister Park Jimin was not happy in your relationship... he wanted to move on, and we simply provide that opportunity."

My smile falls, and my eyebrows twitch into a frown. Not happy? Not happy!? I am the nicest guy he's ever dated... the best guy he's ever dated. Impulsive is what he is. He probably did this as a joke. Yeah, what a bloody gag. Haha, let's erase the stupid silent loser I've been fucking for the last two years. Hilarious, right!?

"So how would it work for me?" I blurt out sternly, clenching my jaw with sizzling anger.

The doctor raises his eyebrows at the sudden shift in my demeanor. "Well... the first thing I would ask you to do is go to your home, and collect all things that remind you of Park Jimin. Pictures, gifts clothes, anything. Then, we will use the memories of those objects to create a map of Jimin inside your brain. You will be shown each item, one after the other, and with our expert technology, we will pinpoint exactly where that item sparks a memory of Jimin in your brain. All we have to do then, is erase the memory as you sleep."

I stare at the ground with parted lips. "Erase Jimin..."


I brush through my hair, trying my hardest to comprehend the fact that this truly was a place that could erase one's memories.

"The procedure is done at your home, in your bed, so you will wake up the next day without knowing a thing."

"I-is there a chance of braindamage?" I ask.

The doctor smiles. "Well, the procedure itself is technically braindamage. But it is comparable to a hangover after a night out drinking. Nothing serious."

I nod and try to understand.

"Well..." The doctor says, clapping his hands. "If that's all you came in here for I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. We have a lot of-"

"I want it," I say, rubbing my nose.


"I want the procedure. I want to erase... Jimin."

Doctor Kim seems surprised for a second, but quickly straightens up and folds his hands over his desk. "In that case, mister Jeon... I think it's best you stay for a little longer."


I sit still for a while after I've parked my car in front of my apartment. It is an old grey 240 Volvo Sedan my parents left me when they died, and it's held intact with nothing but ducktape and God's will.

I sit and cry softly inside the car that smells as muffy as my apartment, until a fit of rage takes over and I lose it for a moment.

I grab the steer and start screaming, gritting my teeth and sobbing as I wish to drive up to Jimin's apartment and cuss him out for all he's worth.

To tell him that he didn't deserve me. That I hoped he would be miserable forever. And that he was a horrible, disgusting, shitty person.

I keep myself from making that mistake though, perfectly aware that not a single word I say will get through to him if he doesn't even know who I am anymore. I can't hurt him. He broke up with me in the safest way imaginable, and I now find it well within my rights to do the same to him. I find solace in the fact that soon, hearing his name won't sting my heart anymore. That in a day or two, the though of him won't make me want to implode.

𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝙱𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚗 | PJM. JJK✔Where stories live. Discover now