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Dream always knew that something was off about him, whether it was the following glances he gave his male classmate in 9th grade or the incredibly hard decision between Zendaya and Ryan Reynolds.

So what if he was bisexual? It was 2022.

That's not it, no, Dream was also the captain of the football team, a dashing blond with emerald green eyes that enchanted the whole school.

Not only did that give Dream this nickname "Dream" but also plenty of female admirers following him in his everyday life.

Reputation was everything in highschool. That's what Dream thought at least.

If there was even the slightest chance of his secret dirtying this image of a prince, he'd rather just stay in the closet forever.

But some cups are just meant to overflow.

"Username? Uh... Dream? That's kinda cringy. Let me just take a normal name like uh, Alex. Yeah, Alex", Dream whispered to himself.

After setting up his profile on the dating app he just downloaded, he scrolled for a bit to realize only perverts looking for hook-ups were present.

Men in underwear or sending unsolicited nudes, nothing Dream was particularly fond of.

In a way he craved for something real, genuine. Maybe a guy who could prove that he was actually, actually into men too.

Gogy: hey

Gogy? What an odd name, Dream thought, giggling to himself.

He immediately checked "Gogy's" profile, shocked at the innocence and pureness pouring out of it.

No sixpack pictures, not even selfies, just cats and gaming setups with minecraft on the screen, which was also Dream's favorite game by the way.

alex: you into minecraft?

Gogy: yeah! its my favorite

alex: mine too :)

Woah, a normal conversation?!

alex: not tryna come off as creepy but how do you look like? wanna make sure ur not a 50-year old weirdo

Gogy: i dont really take the best selfies but uh, you seem pretty normal so yeah why not..

Dream was speechless, in shock, absolutely stunned. What a guy!

Even though the selfie was just as bad as he warned him about, it gave off such a warm and familiar feeling he couldn't even describe.

It wasn't even a selfie actually, it was a picture with the Queen's wax statue and him in a suit, waving.

Now that he said it out loud, it was a pretty odd photo.

Still, "Gogy" had a contagious smile, his brown hair neatly in place and the suit perfectly made for him and him only.

The wrinkles his eyes made, gave Dream an extra heart throb, making it feel like he just fell in love at first sight.

alex: wow, youre pretty

Gogy: what?? really lol now send me urs?

Dream immediately panicked, knowing he unfortunately couldn't fulfill that request.

After all, his image would have been ruined if somebody from his school ever found out about him being on a gay dating app.

alex: im actually super unconcious about my appearance..

Gogy: no fair. what if youre a 50-year okd creep?

alex: how about a voice message?

Gogy: hmm, fine

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