Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

My phone was in my lap, texts from BEN showed. Shouldn't he know not to text me during school? He had sent so many texts I gave up after the fifteenth one for counting. He doesn't need to text me something he can ask me after school. I was half paying attention to the teacher talking about his life. How did he get to that subject anyway? Weren't we learning how to divide x by y or something like that, not what he had for breakfast last week?

I sighed. This was extremely boring. I looked over my shoulder when I felt a tape on it. It was Traci. She had a small neatly folded piece of paper in her hand. She handed it to me before leaning back in her chair and gave me a large grin. I had no idea what was going on. Why did she give me a piece of paper? Realizing I was still looking at her, Traci motioned with her hands like she was unfolding something- oh, I'm an idiot.

I looked forward and unfolded the strip of paper. In neat hand writing was written on it in black pen was: Were going shopping after school. Wanna come? Underneath that was two boxes; each had a word written next to it. Yes and No. I looked down at my lap when my phone vibrated. BEN had sent me yet another text.

Wat class u in?

I replied with Math, and then a second later, another text showed up.

Sucks 2 b u! XD

I was not happy. Whatever shortie. Hey, I'm going out with friends after school today. Tell Slendy so he doesn't have a panic attack. I replied.

Don't call me shortie! XC U ain't any taller than I am! I'll tell him. XD We don't need another of his panic attacks even tho it was funny as hell last time! I had to admit that when Jeff and BEN told me the not-so-small panic attack he had last time when he couldn't find me, it was funny. All I did was forget to tell him that Masky – without his mask on - was taking me to get ice cream.

Heads up, shortie, but I'm taller than you. XP


... Shut up.


XD LOL gtg teacher looking at me.




I turned off my phone and looked at the teacher innocently. He was looking at me like I just drowned a bag of kittens. Dude! I was only on my phone.

"Elizabeth," I was brought out of my thoughts when my name was called. He pointed to the board. "Come up here and answer this." I'm so glad Slendy made me do high school work when I was 8. I looked around me quickly and saw that everyone looked like they had no-one idea what the answer was. Yay me.

I stood up and walked up to the teacher. He handed me a black white board marker and stepped back. After writing how to get the answer, I wrote the answer. I was quite proud of myself. I hadn't done one this hard for about 3 months.

"Done harder." I stated simply as I placed the marker on the little edge under the white board that held different colored markers and the board cleaner. When I sat down, I noticed the teacher hadn't said anything; in fact, no-one had. I looked up at the teacher then to the board then back at the teacher. "Is something wrong? I was sure I double checked it." My expression was thoughtful as I stared at the work I did, checking if there was any mistakes in it.

"N-no. It's correct." He stuttered. I beamed. Slendy would be proud that I got a hard question right.

"That's good." I beamed, but then my expression was confused. "But I don't understand why everyone's so quiet." I looked around. I must be missing something... yep, defiantly. Just then the bell rang. I stood up, grabbing my bag, only to be pulled outside by Traci.

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