Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The forest leaves moved in the breeze as I stepped over roots that had grown out of the ground. I was slightly scared that Slendy or the others won't recognize me and attack me. I kept feeling like I was being watched. I would look over my shoulder and see nothing. One time though, I had spotted a black and red figure in the distance; it disappeared as soon as I saw it.

After a bit, I could finally see the mansion in the distance. I sighed. Slendy's home was way too far in the forest. Never mind, I'm an idiot, it has to be. Walking onto the porch, I raised my hand up to the door handle and turned it, swinging it open.

"Uhh... hi?" I said to a not-so-happy-Slendy.

"Where were you?" he demanded. Even without a face, he can pull off the pissed off look quite well.

"I thought BEN told you?" I said but it sounded more like a question. That shorty better have told him.

"Tell me what?" Slandy asked irritably, not getting a straight answer. He didn't. What till I get my hands on him?! I growled in my head. Slendy looked at me weirdly, seeing the look on my face and hearing me sigh irritability.

"Excuse me, gotta strangle a certain someone." I said the last part under my breath. I pushed passed Slandy and went straight to the lounge room where this someone was. I saw that he was trying to stifle his laughing. I growled, getting his attention.

"Oh, hey, Elizabeth." He said, as if he hadn't just lied to me.

"You lied." I hissed. I saw him flinch.

"N-no, I didn't." he looked away. "What're you talking about?" I then heard Slendy come in. I growled again at BEN.

"You said you were going to tell Slendy that I was out with friends," I hissed at him. I saw him glance at Slendy that was standing behind me. "And you know I don't like being lied to." BEN looked down slightly, having to look away from my gaze that was staring angrily at him. Just then Jeff walked in.

"Who's got friends?" he asked. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what he had walked into. He shuffled over to Slendy and nudged him with his elbow. "What's going on?" he whispered.

"Apparently BEN lied to Elizabeth." Slendy replied.

"Huh?" Jeff asked dumbly. Slendy sighed irritably.

"Elizabeth told BEN she was going to be out with friends and for him to tell me. BEN didn't though and she's angry because BEN didn't tell me and because he's denying that he was ever told." Slendy replied in more detail.

"Oh..." Jeff paused before his eyes widened. "He knows to never lie to her, and when did she have friends?" Slendy face palmed, sighing.

"BEN!" I snapped; I saw him jump. As soon as I stepped forward, he broke.

"I-I'm sorry!" he exclaimed. "I'll never lie to you again." My expression softened, seeing him finally apologizing. A ghost of a smile was on my lips as I nodded.

"Elizabeth, can I have a talk with you?" I heard Slendy behind me. I turned around and nodded before I followed behind him. He took me into the kitchen before he stopped.

"What do you want to talk about?" anger was still in my voice. "Sorry..." I looked down; I didn't like to fight with the others but BEN should've known. He shouldn't have lied. They all know not to, not after... I trailed off in my thoughts as a sadness overcame me.

"Leave them," I heard Slendy say. I lifted my head. I hadn't been listening.

"Huh?" I asked. Slendy's head lowered slightly; he was still facing away from me.

"Leave them." He said simply.

"Leave who?" I asked, my heart picking up a bit.

"Those humans," he said.

"... what?" I said quietly, barely above a whisper. Leave them... my friends. My eyes widened as realization came to me. I understood what he was saying now. "B...but... they're my friends." Slendy turned around and I stared up at him in horror at what he was saying.

"I understand you don't want to leave them..." Slendy trailed off but I started talking before he could finish what he was saying.

"Then why? Why do I have to leave them? I don't understand why." I exclaimed, tears burning my eyes.

"Elizabeth, I've been around for a long time and I know more about humans than you do." He said.

"Then why do I have to leave them!?" I yelled, my vision becoming blurred.

"Humans are awful beings." My eyes widened. "I've watched them for centuries and I still don't understand them and the reasons behind their actions but I do know they only care about themselves. They'll push others and drag them down to get what they want, even in death, they'll lie and deceive others to get what they want and they'll kill without mercy or a second thought. I understood the risk of you making friends with them when I signed you up for one of their public schools, but I thought with the amount of reading of the humans' history you've done, you'll realize what awful beings they are and wouldn't make friends with them; I was wrong though.

I want you to leave your 'friends' and don't think twice about it. I don't want them hurting you. You're... special... to me, the others, and the one thing we don't want is for you to be hurt." I didn't know what to say. I was in shock, as well as other emotions. Hurt, sadness, confusion, understanding... anger; they all coursed through me and before I could think about all this, my confused mind spoke.

"You..." I started shaking, my fists clenched, my head bowed as my hair covered my face, not allowing anyone to see the emotions run across my face. "You don't understand. What would you know?" My voice was shaking as I spoke and my back twitched where the wings tattoo were. My head shot up, looking straight at Slendy as tears silently rolled down my cheeks. "All you do is kill people! What would you know about people!? You haven't met all of them. There is still more people in the world than the ones you've seen! Just because you haven't met any of them doesn't mean there isn't any in the world."

Slendy took a step back at my outburst and I continued to fume. "Eliz-" I cut him off.

"You haven't seen them like I have! How about you get out of your hiding and go meet some for yourself!" I shouted.

"That's impossible!" He shouted. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not human! As soon as I get out of hiding, they'll hunt me down. I can only run for so long; I'm surprised I've managed to hide for this long. Unlike you, I can't blend in with them. You can look like a human if you hide your wings; how the hell do I hide this?!" he motioned to his face. I was speechless again. "How about you stop being a brat and think things with logic? Think about the others and how the world has screwed them over."

"Slen-" I started but was cut off.

"And just because I can teleport and live for a long time doesn't mean anything; and yes I do know that there is kind people in this world." Slendy finished. My head was bowed. Slendy's right... I am just being a brat. I should think about the others and how the world has screwed them over. More tears rolled down my cheeks. I'm not the only one that's had a hard life. A sob escaped my throat.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. "You're right, I'm being a brat." I turned to the kitchen entrance. "I'll... I'll just leave now. I'll be in my room." I left without another word and Slendy didn't try to stop me. I walked out the kitchen entrance and the others were there. "I'm sorry." I walked up the stairs and to my room. As soon as I closed the door, I sunk to the floor and brought my knees to my chest, my face buried in them. Sobs wracked my body as I uttered two words. "Mummy, daddy."

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