javier ~03

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The moment the angel disappeared from my eyes, I became unsteady. Like a child who just lost his candy and a damn stubborn child at that.

You know, kids are beautiful and I love them, but there is that little bit of a moment when you want to concentrate on something and they come whining because they lost a freaking toy.

But not me.

I didn't lose a toy. 

Hell no. I am a man and I just lost an opportunity. And Javier doesn't lose opportunities. 

Nope, not one bit.

"What movie is that angel watching?" I ask. Out of breath, my eyes try to scan which door he just entered.

The redhead watches me closely before her lips turn into something mischief. The hell?

She must have seen my raised brow and cocky attitude.

"You might want to lose your attitude if you want a chance with that one. Trust me," she keeps making popcorn and serving to others.

I glance at my watch, 5 minutes before the movie starts. I don't even know what movie lily is watching. 

"How about this, buy a ticket, get in. Look for him. If he isn't in that room then come out, buy another ticket, get in another movie."

She must be joking.

And I follow my thoughts with that look too. She glances back at me. Stern. Damn! she is a good one.

But then, she was pinkier when talking to him. Why me?

I clear my voice, ready to calm myself and be a gentleman. Maybe I forgot to act like one after seeing him. 

"I am sorry. Let me start again. My name is Javier and I would appreciate your help on getting that guy who just took my breath away and I don't know if I can breathe or talk properly unless I stumble on my words."

This is opposite me. But maybe this is exactly what I need. 

To be me.

To get that man as me.

She took the ticket in my hand and studied it. Then ripped it before giving me another ticket. The only differences are the seats.

The same movie.

The guy is truly an angel.

He is watching a Disney movie?

"Thank you. I owe you one." 

"Go, just tell that guy," she shows me the guy standing outside a theater wearing a Christmas hat. "Give him this and he will show you to your seat." She scribes something on it.

And when I read the paper, I grinned. 

So, should I thank her or should she thank me? Because the paper says, 'dinner on me. Let him in'. And the moment I gave the guy my ticket, his grin was out of this world. 

This Christmas just got hotter.

My little devilish angel is putting a lot of people on the naughty list. I wonder how many people Santa will cancel as naughty today.

I guess I am first.

The moment my legs stepped into that room, I stopped. It is dark and silent. Nothing is playing on the screen, not even the advertisement.

The guy with the Santa hat must have sensed my hesitation and said, "he needs this. This is why we let him in first." He turns to me. "I don't know what your deal is but…," he trails off.

My Man: For Christmas [ManxMan]🦂Where stories live. Discover now