Chapter 1- The beginning

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V.V was many things, the most appropriate names were selfish and childish. When Charles married Marianne , V.V loathed it because he knew that unlike the other marriages , this was for love. V.V had gained his code as a young child and therefore much like his appearance, his brain seemed to stay set up like a child. V.V had one goal...The Sword Of Akasha. He would not stop until he succeeded using any means necessary.

Perhaps that is why he chose to make a contract with Lelouch Vi Britiannia, one of many sons that Charles had and the son of Marianne no less. He wanted to mould the young prince to his ideals should Charles fail him. So that's what he did. Using the dormant Geass DNA from both Charles and Marianne that was present in Lelouch's DNA , V.V managed to create an artificial code. Though, the word artificial probably isn't the best way to describe this. It was made by activating those genes which in all honesty V.V did to see what happened ( Though he will always claim it was his intention, it was very much a good accident). Lelouch bore the mark of geass on his chest almost on his neck. V.V took a shine to the boy and raised him as his own. V.V had lied to his brother and Marianne of his dealings with Lelouch and managed to convince them he had changed. V.V trained Lelouch in the Geass Directorate to be the perfect heir of britiannia.


"Uncle V.V?"

"How would you like the power of the kings?"

. It worked. Despite V.V's doubts it worked, V.V was able to form a contract with Lelouch and obtain a Geass. V.V smiled proudly at the boy who was the same height as him, if anyone saw them and didn't know V.V , they would assume the two were the same age. "Lelouch" the name was said fondly on the tongue of V.V , said boy turned to V.V and smiled. " Yes uncle?" "Shall we test out your new power?" "Yes uncle" .

To say marianne was suspicious was an understatement, V.V was never the type for change and never particularly fond of children, which is why she found it extremely odd that he spent so much time at the villa, doing what she did not know and she didn't like it. Charles had dismissed her concerns suggesting that his brother had to change and he had finally done so. But she put it all to the back of her mind and walked through her garden arm attached round Charles's. She almost choked when she saw V.V smiling and talking with her son who bore the same expression. She let go of Charles sharply which caused him to turn, as she picked up her skirts and ran to her child.

" Lelouch!"

Both V.V and Lelouch turned in her direction , Marianne bolted forward and pushed V.V away from her son with a breathless Charles on her tail. "What is going on here?" She demanded " Mother, are you alright?" Lelouch's innocent voice rang out. Charles approached the child and awkwardly hugged him. "What were you doing talking to my son V.V?" Marianne demanded her voice laced with anger and malice " Am I not allowed to talk to Uncle V.V?" Lelouch asked and Marianne froze. " Lelouch, Euphemia And Nunnally are in the parlour could you please join them? We will talk later" she said sweetly " Of course Mother" Lelouch replied as he ran off inside the Villa. "Uncle V.V?!?" Marianne echoed her face clearly showing her anger in contrast to V.V's neutral almost relaxed face. "Is that a problem Marianne?" V.V said adding extra pronunciation on Marianne. "Every time you visited the were talking to him weren't you?" She accused " Now Marianne-." Charles began but was cut off "Yes I was, I thought I was allowed to talk to my nephew" even Charles had joined in with the bewildered look " You don't usually take such concern V.V" Charles stuttered out. "Exactly what I was thinking" Marianne replied " what's your game V.V?"  V.V simply sighed and said "oh Marianne"

Months had passed since that incident and Charles and Marianne were none the wiser, he had blagged it to Charles that since Marianne was here to stay, he figured he pull get to know the one set of family he should care about. He continued to tutor lelouch in both combat and knowledge though he could see Lelouch's clear above average intellect and tactical decisions. But V.V knew he was distracted, V,V had a plan. He would get rid of Marianne, the reasons were obvious and needn't be mentioned again and he would off Nunnally too for she had also become a problem. Women, always leading men astray. The time came and he met Marianne in the staircase. Nunnally however was on a surprise sleepover with Euphemia and if he insisted in seeing her , he would look suspicious. "What did you wish to discuss , if it's about the Sword of Akasha I already told you I'm on your side" Marianne soothed " No , it's about-." Before he could finish the door at the top of the staircase swung open and out walked Lelouch. Marianne spun around and said " Lelouch! Get out of here!" . Lelouch looked down and saw V,V " No it's alright he can stay" V.V chimed in. "But what about SOA? We cannot discuss that here!" Marianne replied. Lelouch tilted his head and then turned to look at his uncle as he descended the stairs. "Is that the sword of Akasha Mother is taking about?" Lelouch asked him "it is" V,V responded proud of his Nephews intelligence . Marianne's face was in shock "he knows?" She asked " Yes he does" V.V responded " you see Marianne there are things you do not know. I wasn't planning on telling you but alas you won't be able to tell anyone anyway. I have been training lelouch for quite some time , We even have a contract so I wouldn't worry about discussing the sword of Akasha though there is little point discussing it with you as I do not like wasting my breath." Marianne's face went red with anger and she lunged at V.V however she stopped when he pulled out a machine gun from his cape. Both Marianne and lelouch's eyes widened, "You see Marianne it's always the women who lead the men astray that's why I must get rid of you"V.V said " Uncle! Please stop! This is madness!" Lelouch cried out as He reached the bottom of the stairs in an attempt to take the gun. V.V then fired but to his shock lelouch moved very quickly and jumped into the rain of bullets to protect his mother. Marianne fell shaken and the body of her lifeless son soon joined her landing on top of her. "My son..." she said shakily as she gently turned to boy around and stroked his tender face watching his lifeless purple eyes " I must admit I didn't expect that" V.V said speaking up and Marianne turned to face him "You" she spoke voice full of venom . It was then she noticed her son's blood pooliNg at the bottom of the steps with blood seeping of each step like some sick waterfall. " oh don'T look at me like that Marianne, he's not dead . He has code he will be back soon, I assure you not that you'll ever be able to see him again or say thank you. Now I will kill you and as you are dying leave you with the knowledge that with you gone, I will kill Nunnally and take Lelouch and shape him to how I wish. Goodbye Marianne" and with that the firing started again and Marianne crumpled to the floor, she watched as a scared Anya watched what was happening. Marianne felt herself leave her body and rush into Anya's. It was there that she saw her own , soulless body die and she noticed some of the bullets meant to hit her had also hit her son too. She saw her own body fall on her sons as V.V smiled with glee and then she ran and ran and demanded to see the emperor.

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