Chapter 3- Cat and Mouse

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AN- sorry for the long wait, almost lost this chapter and had a mini heart attack lol. Enjoy :-)

Sayoko had lived a long life, compared to Japanese people nowadays. Britannia killed a lot of 'elevens' before the age of 12 to 'cull the animals'. She had seen her country be burnt to the ground and Britannia stomp on anything of worth to the Japanese. She watched as her mother and father were killed just because they taught martial arts, and so she had grown numb to Britannia's cruelty. Or so she had thought, when Milly Ashford introduced her to Lelouch Vi Britannia, Sayoko realised that the empire was far crueller than she imagined. Even those at the very top were beaten down and abused if they did not fit the mould. For a ten year old boy, Lelouch had seen far more than he ever should have and it was evident in the way he acted. He never cried even when he broke his arm, he never shared his feelings and he always hid his body from others refusing to go swimming. It wasn't until Lelouch turned 15 that he finally trusted her, she accidentally saw the scars. The awful zigzag lines across his back, the burns and the scars that made it clear he was stabbed. A 15 year old boy should not have those, she realised and when she asked how he got them, for the first time since the invasion Sayoko Shinozaki felt fear. Sayoko had grown to love Lelouch as a son and her heart wept at the abuse he suffered at the hands of V.V and for what? To turn a child into a perfect assassin. Sayoko may have been afraid of V.V but she was also angry, how DARE he abuse her son! It was on that day, that Sayoko swore vengeance on V.V. So when Miss Fenette and Lelouch showed up back home, Lelouch's face tight with panic she simply responded with "i'm going to murder that Asshole'.

Lelouch had never shared a bed before, Having someone else's warm presence apparently was comforting because he slept all night without a single nightmare. When he woke up, he was greeted by the sleeping face of Shirley, his girlfriend. The notion was unfamiliar to Lelouch but not unwelcome, he wrapped his hands around Shirley and gently kissed her cheek. Then he got up and crept out of the room to make breakfast.

'good morning, Shirley'

Shirley woke up to Lelouch smiling at her fully dressed. She smiled sleepily as she checked the time, 11:30am 'Lulu why would you let me sleep so late!' she cried out embarrassed for sleeping in 'Because you look truly adorable sleeping and you seemed tired and stressed from last night's events. I didn't want to disturb you' Shirley couldn't help but forgive Lelouch after that, since it made her feel so warm when he called her adorable. "fine, I'll forgive you this time Lulu but next time i swear! you'll be in trouble!''. She got up and walked with Lelouch to the kitchen, "since you were asleep I had time to unpack and make breakfast' he gestured to the outdoor terrace and she saw that breakfast was lying on the table. 'Lulu! you didn't have to!'

"But i did, its my fault you had to come to the safehouse with us and i ruined our date last night'' Lelouch replied looking away from her as she sat at the table. "it wasn't your fault Lulu you know that" to which Lelouch only hummed evidently not convinced. Shirley sighed and looked across the terrace, the safehouse they were staying at was on an tropical island not too far from Hawaii, the beach house looked out onto the gorgeous blue sea with the terrace facing the rolling waves. The air was warm but not humid and Shirley felt she was in a gorgeous tropical paradise. Desperate to cheer Lelouch up and away from his self deprecating tendencies shirley spoke up again " Will we be disturbed here? No offence Lulu but I never want to see those goons again''

"that would be difficult considering they are dead but no, this island belongs to me...well technically a Lenard Likotropivitch owns this island but that name is one of the many identities I have. You know what i am like about contingency plans' Lelouch chuckled smiling at her 'so what do we do now? We can't just hide our entire lives! and the student council and my parents we can't abandon them!' Shirley exclaimed slightly panicked as Lelouch calmly sipped his coffee 'I have Sayoko picking the student council and your parents up now as for V.V I do have plans for him which concern the Black Knights. That's...something else i need to discuss with you Shirley. I need to continue to lead the Black Knights as Zero but you, your family, the student council and Nunnally must remain safe. I'm returning to Area 11 tomorrow to continue my resistance against Britannia. I hope you can forgive me' 'LELOUCH no! we only just...just got together and now this! we need to stick together, I need you and you need me! if you return to Japan then i'm coming too!' Shirley declared reaching for Lelouch's hand, but to her surprise, He brushed her off 'No, you have to stay here its not safe. I don't want to do this shirley but its necessary for the greater good.' He stood up and walked away leaving Shirley to dejectedly eat her breakfast.

V.V smashed the console in frustration, "where IS HE! he can't just disappear from existence!' Charles, the helpful brother he was, simply hummed in response. Once again the group of royals had met to discuss a new plan to capture Lelouch. "If anything has been established it's that our dear Lelouch is exceptional at hiding from authority. Probably due to the fact he was forced to be a child solider by a ...misguided uncle" Schnieziel spoke, with barely hidden insults. V.V growled like an animal and hit the broke console again. Suddenly, OSI agents burst in and upon seeing the mood of their leader quickly bowed.

''Lord V.V we were...unable to relocate and seize his highness or the girl''

V.V again grew more furious "Tell me something i don't know! Did you imbeciles at least capture the friends or family? If we have them there is at least some hope, Lelouch is hopelessly sentimental after all"

The head agent was sweating fiercely on the floor and the room was so silent that a noise could be heard as the sweat hit the floor. V.V was visibly getting more frustrated.

" sir...they disappeared as well"

A loud crash was heard as V.V threw a nearby class jug at the agents head which shattered on impact and caused the agent to bleed heavier than he was sweating.

"but my lord, all is not lost" the agent whimpered and V.V turned to him angrily but scrutinising what the next response would be.

"We captured Milicent Ashford and her family, she was out in the settlement shopping during the period the others disappeared."

V.V finally smiled, a creepy, menacing and disturbing smile that made all those present shudder even the battle hardened Cornelia

"Then perhaps...all is not lost"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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