Chapter 2- I'm coming for you

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AN; this is the last pre-written chapter I have so updates might be a bit slow beyond this point! 

Cornelia was ready to kill this child, first he dared order her around and now he spreads some lunacy that her long deceased brother was the no good eleven pig zero?! He was nonsensical. " This is ludicr-" normally I would agree with you dear sister however I feel father and his ...guest would not be here without evidence" schniezel interrupted her mid sentence. "Thank you Schniezel as always you are the voice of reason and Cornelia is the hot headed bull in a China shop, really Charles I don't know why you involved her in this" the child said and Cornelia's hatred grew stronger, she pulled out her sword gun and pointed it at his face " who the hell are you to talk to me like that! I am princess Cornelia Li Britannia, second princess of our glorious imperial empire, 4th in line to the throne and the infamous goddess of victory! And you! You are some child who has no concept over the matters of which your tiny little mouth pretends to comprehend!" Cornelia ranted getting closer to the strangely unbothered child " First Cornelia,I am a prince of this empire, far older than you and definitely not a child despite my youthful appearance. I, surprised you didn't know that considering Charles disdain for young children but then again you aren't exactly smart more like tactically moronic, secondly I know more about lelouch than you since I had trained him and groomed him to be an Assassin from the age of two and thirdly those first three 'accomplishments' you listed purely exist because you were born however they can be taken away so I would shut up if you wish to retain your position. If you would just allow me to explain then your hotheaded brain would be able to understand my presence and WHY Lelouch is zero" V.V retorted slapping the sword gun out of his face. Cornelia's face could only be described as a look of pure rage and shock " You...You bastard! How dare you insult me like that you condensing little-" ENOUGH we do not have time for your petty bickering. Whilst V.V may have gotten carried away he is correct in the sense that your titles and status Cornelia, everything you pride yourself and live for can be easily taken away at my desire and luxury so sit down like a decent young woman and behave, instead of acting like some raving banshee" Charles commanded, ending the argument. Reluctantly Cornelia sat down and shut up but her face scowled so hard that veins could be seen, Schniezel looked at her with great concern. "With that out the way I can finally explain what occurred to make lelouch zero...."

Ashford Academy Main Campus

Lelouch hummed a lullaby that his mother used to sing to him, he was completely out of it and walking in a blissful trance through the hallways, he had forgotten himself completely and thus began to sing

"Let me sing a lullaby as you close your eyes

And as you're drifting off to sleep

How I hope that the dreams

That you find are bright" lelouch's voice was soft as he reminisced of his mother

"Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies?

Where a tomorrow waits for you and I?

So hold me tight on more time

But don't kiss me goodbye

Cus I know that I'll see you

On the other side" Lelouch's voice had reached a grand crescendo drawing quizzical and bewildered looks from his peers.

"I will think of our song

When the nights are too long

I'll dream of you for that's where I belong" he smiled thinking of his mother's smile

"Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies?

Only in my dreams

Do we meet again" Lelouch was talking about the world of C where he as a code bearer went to dream, he had never seen his mothers actual presence in the world of C (perhaps she didn't want to speak to him? Thinking he had betrayed her) but after waiting for her to show up would just replay memories of her, if he couldn't talk to the real marianne he could at least be with the past Marianne and witness his former happy childhood, he knew that he looked at his childhood with rose tinted glasses since when he was not with his mother he was forced to train with the uncle but Lelouch heavily treasured memories with him, nunnally and his mother together because they were rare and beautiful. "Hey Lelouch, you alright buddy?" Rivalz said suddenly right next to him "hmm yes I'm fine, hey rivalz when did you get here" Rivalz looked at Lelouch with concern "uhhh I've been here the entire time " , Damn it , lelouch had gotten distracted and allowed Rivalz to sneak up on him and what if he was singing out loud? Lelouch shuddered at the thought, he was a trained assassin for crying out loud! Was he getting rusty? Lelouch didn't have too much time to dwell however as Shirley came barreling down the corridor "Lulu! I need to talk to you!" Lelouch looked at shirley uncertainly "uhhh. Okay" he replied as he was being dragged away by Shirley "uh, See you later Rivalz!" He called out as he got further away "Damn Lelouch gets all the women! How does he do it!?!" Rivalz cried out in desperation.

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