9. Villains in the Family

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Shoto's POV (wow something different)

I was sitting on my bed with izuku in my lap. He was kissing and biting my neck, but I couldn't focus on him at all. All I could think of was Touya. I can't wait for him to come back. All Keigo told me was that he was going to meet Touya again, no details of what happened.

"Am I doing something wrong? Do you not like it?" Izuku asked while stopping looking sad.

"No, no, of course not, I'm just... distracted by... something" I said. Now he's going to ask what it is, should I tell him?

"Do- do you wanna talk about it, you know you can tell me anything" he said while rubbing my cheek, trying to comfort me.

"I do, I really do wanna talk about it but..." I can't tell him it's something that might make him.. leave me. I mean, I have told him everything about my family except Touya dying I just couldn't do it without breaking down and I didn't want him to see me like that. "I can't."

"Why not, you know you can trust me." He's right I could but I really don't want him to judge me for it. Wait what the fuck am I thinking he would never do that..... or would he?

" I can't tell you " you know what fuck it YOLO BITCH " well I can't tell you everything some of it is confidential" I said his eyes lit up.

"Like with Pro Hero's?" He asked.

"Yeah kinda" mainly it's with villains but there is heroes too.

"So what is it?" He asked

"So you know how I told you about all my siblings and I had an older brother Touya" I said

"Yeah you said he was your favorite sibling" he looked kinda confused.

"Well like 7 years ago he died....."

"Oh I'm so sorry Todoroki-kun, Are you okay?" He asked. I honestly hate that question I'm never okay, I hate when people ask that.

"Well no but that's not the point." I took a deep breath "at the summer camp there was a villain that had a fire quirk that was exactly like my brother's quirk and I didn't think anything think anything of it then I saw his face like when I was trying to steal the marble from him. And he looked exactly like my brother just with darker scars and black hair." I waited for his reaction. "You probably think that I'm crazy but if you knew my brother you would understand what I'm talking about"

"What, no, I don't think your crazy Todoroki-kun" he got off my lap and sat beside me. "You wanna know a secret?" He smiled but he didn't look happy.

"Yeah, sure" what could it be?

"My dad and my adoptive brother, they are villains" WHAT? " My dad hates me for becoming a hero and for having All M- for supporting All Might" for having All Might's what now "And my brother... I haven't seen him in 7 years just like you"

"Do- do you know which villains they are?"

"Yup." He started crying a bit " my brother is Toumura Shigaraki, his real name is Tenko Shimura" he wiped his eyes "and my dad is All For One" oh my All Might I thought my family was fucked.

"Hey, don't cry, there's nothing wrong with that" I pulled him closer to me and hugged him "you know, what if we help your brother too"

"Wait really?"


"Well uh- If I'm going to be joining you, I think you tell Kacchan too" why him?

"Why? Wouldn't he just not like it because he got kidnapped?" I'm very confused.

"We just have to tell him. He already knows about my dad and brother." I don't wanna fucking tell him " he'll explain after you tell him, just trust me he won't say anything"

"Okay? Do you want to do it now?" He nodded. I am so confused.

We both get up and walk to his dorm which is 1 dorm down the hall. I knocked on the door, it's only 7 so he should be awake. He didn't answer, I knocked again and said "Bakugou open up" I heard a moan. Oh Kirishima's in there too.


"You mean in something, or someone" I asked. I heard him let out an annoyed sigh and stomp to the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ICEY-HOT" he yelled this while making little explosions with his hands. I just stand there calm as can be with Izuku hiding behind me.

"I want to talk to you" well I don't want to but Izuku is making me.

"WELL I D-" he was cut off by Kirishima.

"Calm down Katsuki, just talk to him. We can go back after." Back to fucking.

"But-" before he could continue Kirishima pushed him out the door and shut it. Ever since they started dating Kirishima has been forcing him to socially interact with people. He glared at me, but I'm not gonna be intimidated by an angry pomeranian that is shorter than me. "What do you want Icey-hot"

"Come with me this is a pretty private thing" I said and walked with Izuku to his dorm. We walked in and Bakugou sat on Izuku's chair and we sat on the bed.

"So what the fuck do you want to say icey-hot?" The pomeranian is being very aggressive. "Deku what is this about" very aggressive.

Izuku spoke "Todoroki-kun's brother is a villain and he said he's going to help him quit and then he said that he and I could also help and get my brother to quit. So I thought maybe that you would wanna help too" Bakugou's glare turned more soft.

"Okay" he said. ok didn't expect that, also I thought I was supposed to talk.

"Wait, why do you wanna help?" I asked

"Because my sister she is a villain too, Toga" ohhhhh ok what a coincidence.

"Ok so there's another person helping and I was going to meet with him tomorrow after our provisional license training at this restaurant so you two should come with me."

"Ok yeah whatever I'm going back now"
He walked to the door.

"Go get him, continue your gay activities" I cheered him on. He quickly slammed the door and walked down the hall. I started laughing a bit.

"One day he's going to kill you" he said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I hope it's soon"


You thought this was just a dabihawks book, nope, we're gonna have this too.

Words: 1122

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