54. The Hero's Judgement

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Touya's POV (2 days later)

Today was the day we plead our case to the Pro's, Keigo already went in to explain because they don't know what's happening. At this meeting Keigo said they gathered the top 100 heros to vote for this. After 2 hours and talking and arguing Rumi signals us to come in.

"This is disgusting why are we letting them in here" Edgeshot's says.

"Bitch, shut the fuck up, no one cares about what you think" Keigo says aggressively. I'm really fighging the urge to just join Keigo and insult this guy. I've heard stories and let's just say I will kill him.

"Now just stand here and set an example they just want to see you, alright?" Rumi tells us. We all nod.

"So what do you think now?" Keigo says. I think he is main conductor of this. He takes a poll. "Ok so we still have a majority vote so we can take this to the government now, but is there anything We can do do to convince the rest of you that still object"

"Why don't-" Edgeshot starts.

"Not you" Keigo says.

"We can tell you secrets and hideouts from different villain groups" Tenko says. Once again getting the win without even trying. The ones that opposed before and talking amongst themselves. That proposal got 10 to go over and agree. Leaving 30 opposed.

"There is also one other thing we forgot to mention, Shigaraki is the grandson of the former #1 hero, Nana Shimura-" disgusting garbage said but was cut off by the true #1.

"Wait really?" All Might asked surprised.

"Yes" Tenko says. All Might looks shocked and surprised.

"Back to what I was saying, he isn't the only one who is related to a hero, Dabi is my son" Pros start talking and gasping and a bunch of other bullshit. After that it brings like 5 people to agree, leaving 25 opposed now.

"What else can we say?" I whispered to the rest of the League.

"We have nothing else" Astuhiro whispers back.


"Tragic back stories" we all whispered in unison. Keigo over hears what we are saying and looks through some papers, pulling one up.

"Tenko, you wanna go first?" Keigo asks.

"No" he says.

"Ok your going first" he completely ignored what Tenko says. He whispers something to Rumi and she nods.

"Tenko or you all know him as Toumura Shigaraki, had an abusive father growing up, and once Tenko found out that his grandmother was a Pro Hero his father locked him outside. During this time Tenko discovered his quirk and couldn't control it. His quirk went wild and he tried to ask for help but everything he touched... disintegrated including his family. Who tried to help him... after this tragedy he was left on the streets not having anyone. Everyone that saw him ignored him thinking a hero would come and save him, but that never happened. The person that did come however was All For One. And he traind Tenko to become a villain." Rumi said as a great preformace and monolog.

Most of the heros were crying after hearing this. After that 15 people coverted to agree, leaving 10 more opposed. Tenko looked very sad and he was scratching his neck aggressively. Toga grabbed his hand that he was doing this with and held it tightly. She was also on the verge of tears.

"Your all heartless how could you still- whatever Toga your next" Keigo said handing Rumi another paper. Toga looked like she was scared so I held her other hand.

"Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry," Rumi said to Toga. "Toga was born into a very loving family, but the only unusual thing was her quirk, it was different from her parents. But her parents didn't care about that. But her quirk made her have urges for blood. And instead of helping her, her parents told her to hide this and pretend to not have it. And she tried doing this and it worked until middle school, when she was in middle school she was..." Rumi stopped and wiped her eyes " she was raped by a guy in her class. And everyday this guy did or said things to her. But one day she just couldn't take it anymore and she stabbed him and drank his blood. When she tried to explain why she did what she did. No one believed her, everyone thought she was lying, even her closest of friends and her family. With that she ran away and she was found by All For One, and like Tenko she was also trained to be a villain." Rumi finished, stunning performance for her.

Toga was crying on my shoulder trying to calm down. The Heros were also crying. After that 9 agreed and there was only 1 person opposed.

"Pft, she's probably faking it" Edgeshot said. Everyone looked at him, wanting to kill him with their eyes. Keigo honestly looked like he had enough of this guy's bullshit, so he pushed the guy out the window. It was only a 10 feet drop but it definitely hurt him. Not killed him.

"So everyone agrees" he said like nothing just happened, everyone agreed. "Good" He went over to us and said, "good job guys, now we just need one more step and your free, well you have to go to school, but your mainly free"

"So is that gonna be almost the same?" Jin asks.

"Depends" Keigo answers. I really wanna kiss him, but I can't, I know I can't because of the many people in front of us.

"We should celebrate!" Iguchi said.

"Great idea! You should celebrate" Keigo said to us.

"Your not going to come?" I asked.

"I'll join later I need to inform the press and deal with them" Keigo says. Awe.

"Well then let's go" Tenko said anxiously.

"Bye Kei" I said and walked away with them. He waved.


Yay another one.

Words: 1000

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