💔reader x glass brother, angst w/ bad ending💔

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-A bad ending for GB and you because now you have no friends and are lost with no way home or a place to go lol



You were fond of Glass Brother, but he didn't seem to like you, it was more of one sided, you liked him as a friend, he only saw you as a plaything. You always felt great when you could have a talk with him or make him laugh, but the feeling of dread usually set in after.

The feelings of liking him were fading and he was more aggressive and cruel every day, it hurt you to see the side of him that usually never came up around you.

He would hit you, and get mad for weird reasons, you thought to leave the place once or twice, but you didn't wanna let him down or sadden him, so you stayed, all the way through the mental and physical torture.

One day you couldn't take this anymore, you walked up to him one day and handed him a withered flower, muttering. "Look, pretend this is me, and you know how I always stayed close to you?"

He shrugged. "I dunno, yeah?—" he jumped slightly as you snatched the flower and tore it to shreds.

"The hell did you do that for!?" You looked up to him, enraged, and gave a shaky backhand across his stupid face, you began to slowly hate him more and more as time went on.

"This.. is what YOU did to me, my health, my heart, my EVERYTHING!"

He stared at you, shocked.

"I slowly realize you were NEVER a friend, you only saw me as a toy, I amused you and so I've stayed by your side to be messed with, teased. IM NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE, you complete  SPIV!"

He, now just as mad as you made an attempt to grab you and throw a punch, but you ducked and snatched his arm, bending it and using a foot to kick him down. 

"Goodbye, you pile of scum, I don't understand why I EVER had a feeling for you, I was just beginning to warm up to you, but you decide to turn around and abuse me, use me, just for your entertainment and happiness, you hell - born pillock."

You turned to exit, running out and wincing as you plunged straight onto ground and staggered up, spitting out sand and stumble-running off, almost tripping again.

"Son of a no good hellspawn I say, I really do." You shakily said as you began to break down, heavy breathing, sputtering and trying to wipe tears blinding you as you ran through complete nowhere... Now you realize you're lost.

You've no place to go so you just stop running to fall on your knees and cry out you feeling, you definitely louder than you should have been, but you were so far off nobody would care or hear at all.


Glass brother brought himself up, scowling. "No good hog.." he huffed, taking a seat and reflecting on what he did, he saw nothing wrong with what he had done, of course, he was a no good, insensitive prick.

He looked to the mirror, his brother was there, he assumed the sissy had heard everything, but he honestly didn't care, it was whatever and the little harpy that just shoved him over to piss him off was gone, hopefully dead.


end! hope it was good enough, it was suggested by _-lissana-_


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