🪓 lumberjack! reader x salad fingers 🪓

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You sighed, staring blankly at your blistering hands, you'd been chopping wood and now it was the time to chop more. You snatched your axe and walked up to the last tree you could see.

You lifted and swung, connecting with the tree and hearing a cry from in front of you. You gave a gasp of shock staggering backwards.

"That really hurt!" It was coming from the tree, what the hell?!

It morphed into a face of twisted agony, weeping. "Why'd you do that for? You hurt me!"

"What the.." You murmured. Were you hallucinating? Because it seemed like it.

You dropped your axe, narrowly missing your feet, before grabbing it again and hitting the tree out of fear.

"Ow!" It sobbed in a childish pitch. "Daddy!" It called out

"You- you're a tree.. you don't have much of a father.." You wheezed out, thoroughly shaken.

You blinked, rubbing your eyes desperately, trying to convince yourself this was just your tired, burned out brain playing tricks.

A new, afraid and gentle voice came from behind you, making you jump.

"What're you-you doing t-to Mr. Branches?.." 

You spun 'round on your heel slowly, scared to meet what was behind you.

You blinked again, flabbergasted that anyone would want to live in the barren conditions here, you assumed the houses were abandoned ones.

You were taller than the guy by a few inches, but this person's appearance frightened you as much as the talking, face-having tree.

He was green in skin-tone, his eyes a dark reddish color. He had no hair, he was bald and had only three fingers, no palms, just three long fingers. He sported a teal long-sleeve shirt with black pants and some plain old brown shoes.

You shivered at the sight, you could easily just run but he seemed to freeze you in place. 

"Uh, I- uhm—" You sputtered, grabbing your axe and shielding yourself, ready to strike.

He seemed scared too, he was cowering. You still heard the tree crying but blocked it out, hearing a distant ringing like you always did when you were ignoring sounds.

Then the stranger blinked, looking at your tool's blade, taking his long finger and running  it along the edge, he looked curious and amused.

You simply stared in confusion, slowly lowering the axe. You finally tried to listen to the tree, turning to the thing to find its face gone, no features of pain there, only the slices you made in the side.

"Well... uhm..." You turned back to the man, becoming slightly concerned at the sight of blood seeping from his finger, he was slightly paler, not by much, but he looked happy for some reason?

"I was cutting down the tree for work, I'm a lumberjack."  You pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing exasperatedly as you could finally get the words out of your mouth.

He looked up at you, surprised to see you talk. "Well you can't cut down Mr. Branches! He's trying to grow out of his roots.. Barely shuffled an inch all week.." the man muttered the last part to himself.

"Okay...?" You sighed. "Honestly, not tryna be cruel, but I prioritize not getting fired over people's needs. Gonna have to cut it down, man." You placed a rough, blistered hand on the man's shoulder.

He looked distraught, you shook your head, did you honestly even care? You needed the money but felt bad for the guy, your compassion and understanding was overruling your care for your job.

You sighed, looking at the guy for a couple more seconds before admitting defeat. "...Okay I won't..." 

You dug your axe into the sandy ground. "Y/N L/N." You put out your hand.

"S-salad Fingers." He smiled politely, taking it and gently shaking it.

"I apol- apologize for getting off on the wrong foot, would you- you like to take a walk?.."

You looked away, thinking for a minute. "I'd like that very much." You grinned.

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