💫Some of my headcannons💫

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So these are just my headcannons You dont have to agree with me these are just my headcannons for the hatzgang characters. these are just some thoughts in my mind for them so ye :○

●Roy likes fnaf (his favorite character is funtime freddy.)

●Ross enjoys watching waterfalls and being in a forest (anything basically outside i mean he sometimes like being in his house but he will sometimes prefer to go outside.)

●Robert dosen't bully as much as roy does.

●Roy doesnt want to show his emotions much.

●Robert enjoys reading.

●Ross loves onesies (he got a frog onesie for himself :>)

●Ross and robert feel that roy should be nicer to skid and pump.

●Roy is a dog/cat lover (he just cant ressist their cute faces!)

●Robert favorite animal is either a bunny or axolotl.

●Ross loves skateboarding.

●Roy sleeps with his plushie because it makes him feel comfortable. (his plushie is funtime freddy uwu)

●Ross likes action/comedy movies.

●Robert enjoys watching mickey mouse.

●Roy watches animated movies sometimes.

That's all my headcannons i might have more someday but yeah thats pretty much it anyways thanks for reading some of my headcannons! :3

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