。➷*❞ 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝗽 𝗽𝗼𝗴??

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It's chapter is kinda stereotypical.. but besides that, here's another chapter for u gremlins!!

"Hey Tommy?" Tubbo asked.

"What's up?" Tommy replied.

"Do you wanna meet up? I mean like, the whole smp! It would be so much fun! We could do so many things— but the tickets would be expensive, how would we all get ther-" tubbo began but got interrupted by tommy.

"Tubso, your rambling." Tommy reminded.

"Ah! Sorry!" Tubbo squeaked.

"It's fine, but that would be cool. How would we convince them all?" Tommy asked.

"Hmm.. I haven't thought of that." Tubbo said.

"I'll find a way!" Tommy said.

"M' gonna join another vc with dream, be right back." Tommy continued.

"Okay!" Tubbo said.

Tommy left the vc and got into another one with dream, wanting to discuss what he and Tubbo had talked about.

"BIG D! MY MAN!" Tommy screamed.

"Hey, child." Dream said. "What did you need?"

"Wellll.. me and Tubbo wanted to meet up! By that I mean, the whole smp! It would be so cool. I could finally get a face reveal!" Tommy said. "Only problem though, the tickets would be expensive." Tommy said, basically talking to himself.

"We are millionaires, what are you talking about?" Dream laughed.

"Wait, yeah! But I don't wanna have to payyy..." Tommy groaned.

"I'll pay for yours and Tubbos, because I'm nice." Dream said.

"So we are meeting up?!" Tommy almost yelled.

"Well, if I can get the rest of the smp. Don't get your hopes up." Dream warned.

"Awhhh, okay. Well, nice talk." Tommy said.

"Sure." Dream said as tommy left the vc.

Tommy immediately went to call Tubbo to tell him the news. She didn't want to show it, but he's as really excited.

"Tubbo! Tubbo! Dream said we could maybe meet up!" Tommy yelled.

"Really? That's amazing! I'm so excited!!" Tubbo yelled, matching Tommy's energy.

"I know right! There's so many cool things we could do!" Tommy continued.

-time skip- (the time of the meet up :) )

Tommy was getting ready, packing his bags and getting ready. Her mom was going to drive her to the airport, then board with Wilbur, tubbo, George and jack, then have Dream pick them up. Tommy was really excited, but she had a problem. She didn't know how to tell them his secret, or even if she would tell them. But oh well, it was time to go to the airport.

Tommy arrived  at the airport, immediately rushing to find Wilbur, jack, George and Tubbo. She looked over to see a short brown haired teenager running up to him. She recognized him as Tubbo.

"Tub-so!!" Tommy screamed
"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled in sync.
"I'm so excited to see you, but we should probably look for the others." Tommy said.

As if on que, Wilbur jack and George came walking up to them.

"Wilby-BUR! WILBUR!" Tommy said, correcting himself.

"Hello child" Wilbur laughed.

They all walked into the airport and sat down on a bench, waiting for their plane.

500 words exactly!! Sorry this is kinda stereotypical I had no ideas :(
This is a longer chapter tho! :D
Look at the announcement pls! a I need ur opinion!

Remember to eat, stay hydrated!

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