seven - another sinful act

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Gee's face was pressed into the crook of Frank's shoulder again when he woke up. This time, though, she wasn't hugging a pillow to herself. Instead, she'd nudged her way into Frank's arms, and her whole body was pressed against his. As soon as he realised this, his arms stiffened around her, and he felt his face get hot.

He'd never considered that she might feel the exact same way as he did. He dismissed the thought as soon as he'd thought it, squeezing his eyes closed so that it would go away. He figured he should get up and get a shower before Gee woke up anyways. But he stayed for a few more seconds, savouring the way her body felt against his until he felt self-conscious about how weird he was being.

This time, when he got up, Gee was still fast asleep. It made his heart sink not to see her smile, or for her to demand that he stay, but, he knew she'd do it when she woke up anyway. He picked up a clean pair of underwear and a pair of shorts from his bag and then closed himself into the bathroom.

The shower warmed up quickly, so he got into it, and ran his hands through his hair, closing his eyes and focusing on the way the water sounded hitting his skull, the way the droplets felt skidding down his neck and his back, the warmth that was spreading across his skin. Then he heard the door open. He rubbed the water out of his eyes, and his mouth fell open slightly.

"Hey, do you mind if I join you?" Gee asked, her voice still croaky from sleep.

"I uh," Frank had to think about it for a minute, and realised that she was asking him. His heart blossomed pleasantly. "No, I don't mind."

The shower curtain bunched up where Gee pulled it back, and she stepped into the shower, smiling groggily at him.

"Morning," she greeted, and then hugged him, her arms wrapping around his neck and her head nestling into his shoulder again. It took Frank a minute before he could find his voice and before he could come out of shock in order to hug her back.

"Um, good morning," he squeaked, his heart running a marathon.

She giggled a little bit, and he could feel her small breasts pressed against his chest, her warm breath on his neck, her arms tight around him. Then, all too soon, she released him, and Frank found that he couldn't break their eye contact if he tried.


"You're naked, in a shower with me."

"Would you rather I go fetch my swimsuit?"

"No, I'm naked too."

"Obviously. Frank, we're showering, why wouldn't we be naked?"

He didn't answer.

"Move over, I wanna get some water too," she said, poking his side, and he gaped.

"I was here first, you were the one that barged in on my shower!"

"You let me join you," she pointed out, so he moved over, standing behind her as she stepped under the showerhead.

She also ran her hands through her hair, soaking it in water, and instead of ogling at her body, Frank reached for the soap and began scrubbing at himself. By the time he was all soapy, Gee had turned around, and she offered to switch sides with him. She scrubbed at herself with soap while Frank washed his soap off, and then he let her have the water so she could too.

But this time, he didn't have much to do while she was under the stream, so to distract himself from the way her back moved, he wrapped his arms around her waist. She jumped a little and then turned her head around to look at him, a grin shining on her face.

"You scared me," she giggled and then hugged his arms around herself so that they squeezed her for a second.

"That sucks," he replied.

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