Perfect storm.

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When you told me to go away,

when you said you aren't going to stay

And when you said it was just a game

I followed you without a shame.

Four years have passed.

I thought that we were going to last.

And before I knew it,

our future in a matter of days turned to my breaking past.

I allowed you to belittle me.

I forgave every hurtful word.

I thought I was special,

And embraced this pain.

But you left me anyway.

I used to think that the fault is in me.

that I'm not enough,

I wanted to change.

I was ready to go through whatever it takes.

But you left me anyway.

It took me days to realize that you didn't find me special

like I thought you would.

That you didn't want me, in the way I wanted you.

Perfect night, your black hair and soul,

cold night with your heart cold as stone.

Dark night with my naive self.

Warm night when I wanted to make you mine.

One night was all that happened.

One night, my weakness and your play.

All of my friends told me to keep going.

To wait for you to come around.

But that was torture.

You were a player and I was your game.

You won.

Next one in the line is all I ever was.

You won and I lost.

But game is over.

With our cold perfect night.

Dark and warm.

It felt like home.

So wrong and so right at the same time.

Sunny days filled with rain.

But you made them stop,

when you left me with that

perfect storm.


I dedicated this to my dearest best friend. My lovely companion. Beautiful soul and wonderful person who stood by my side through this all. Step by step. She helped me to grow and to see what is right and what is wrong. I owe my sanity to her. x

P.S. this is not edited. I just wrote it and posted it right away. Hope you don't mind and enjoy this.

And if anyone out there finds herself/himself while reading this, I tell you to just hold on, storm always passes. Much love, and Happy Easter! :) x

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